I wouldnt say 7v is a downgrade but 6EX is definitely a worthy competitor for the top leopard 2A7HU.
2A7V should have same armor value of not better than Strv122 yet Gaijin make it wreakers than 122 because Swedish say so
Yeah that’s an issue in of itself sadly
plus, i don’t see anything wrong German can get other uparmored Leopard considering that Swedish has three of them (even I only take two in my line up while playing Sweden but that dosen’t mean German should receive less)
We could get the other 2A7 variants (the on with eurotrophy APS) and the 2A8
Theme here:
someone remind me to bug report this
we cant carry rocket pods on the fuselage pylons on the Su-17/22
Well since many tanks in Russian TT not even put in service i say “Why not this one can be in TT too?”
I love all Red Baron styled camos, and it gladdens me that the Germans make so many of them.
Guessing it’s because it’s an optional add-on rather than standard configuration
A few vehicles that do have this (in game) cannot operate it. (Isreali vehicles can)
which vehicles has it?
My wishlist for Germany is for Gaijin to fix the ammo rack bug on the PUMA where you lose both your tracks, very detrimental to the vehicle
leopard 2K comes to mind immediately
pleaaaaaassssseweeee gaijin
Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf.D mit 7.5cm Rückstossfrei Kanone 43 und 3cm MK 103
A panser 4 with 1 30mm mk103 and 2 75mm recoiless guns, it was a mock up but all its elements where real and used. I see this being a real fun low tier event/BB vehicle
Thats rather a Ausf.C, flat frontal plate, no Hull MG.
Yeah shure the stuff were all real and used as Field Pieces, but that is the problem, as the guns werent ONLY intended for the vehicle, they dont count as Unfinished prototype parts and as such it cant be suggested sadly.
If it were, trust me i would have made that suggestion long ago.
Did the devs ever clarify if wooden mockups were permitted though? Technically it would count as vehicle-specific parts, just out of wood instead of metal. I mean, the GWP modification for the TOG II only existed as a mockup…
Sadly wooden or otherwise mockups are not suggestable