Yeah, it even has a finished TT sprite for Germany
I was looking forward to most of these for the longest time back in the day, they were unfortunately removed from the assets some time ago. I was told they were shifting away from captured stuff on the old forum.
Oh, didnt see that, i only knew about the historical picture.
Yeah, wish we could’ve gotten the IL-4 with that yellow camo though. They could maybe be added as rewards for pages of history task (Similar to what they did during the 10 year anniversary event).
Example: gaijin would move the game score requirement from 20,000 to 60,000 (though you’d only need 20,000 to get the task “completed”) and you would get the rewards in this order:
5000 = x5 small booster
10,000 = x2 larger booster
15,000 x5 universal backups
20,000: 250,000 SL + the task being complete
25,000: a random camo for allowed vehicles
40,000 (top prize 1): 1st low tier vehicle from nation you played for the task
60,000 (top prize 2): 2nd low tier vehicle from the other nation.
The vehicles wouldn’t necessarily have to be captured vehicles, they could also be tanks with the marking of units that fought in said battle.
Example: If I got 40,000 game score for the “Kursk - Oboyan operation” task using Germany vehicles, I would receive a a Pz.38t with the camo/markings of a specific unit, then once I got the next 20,000 with Soviet vehicles, I would receive a T-28 with the camo/markings of a specific unit
The vehicle you receive first would be determined by the nation’s vehicles you used during the task. Like if used mostly German vehicles, I would receive the vehicle for Germany. But if I wanted to get the other nations vehicle, I would need to use that nations vehicles and get 20,000 more game score to unlock it.
The vehicles would be more of collectors items than actually good/meta vehicles, that’s not to say they should be useless though.
I think this is a good idea because it would allow gaijin to add more of these interesting copy/paste vehicles without adding them as GE or Pack premiums. It would also make more people play the Pages of history task.
You know the playerbase cant have any nice shit from Gaijin, not in any of their games. It will all be either premium or event only to never come back properly, unless we’re really lucky. It would be such a nice addition though.
Mods dont even call a crate with 0% chance of getting vehicles a “comeback”.
Wildcat 30 SPAA is all that I want
Looks absolutely menacing
Welp, that P-51D is 100% fake. There were no flight capable P-51D’s ever in German hands.
There do exist a couple pictures of P-51’s with weird fake Luftwaffe marks, but these were post-war P-51D’s of the air national guard used for an American movie. So the only logical place for such a skin/vehicle would be the US tech tree.
edit: I changed the “P-51” to “P-51D” for clarification, as that might confuse some. This referred to the P-51 model seen in the now deleted hidden files on previous versions of War Thunder.
What about these? I know of the P-51Ds that were “Nazi-fied” for the movie.

I have a feeling that gaijin did the same thing they did with the German P-47, where they modeled the wrong model. Only since the German P-51D was never added, they never replaced it with an earlier one.
This are the Zirkus Rosarius ones, right? I don’t recall them being armed, but that didn’t stop gaijin from adding the P-51C to the Japanese tech tree either. So those ones might be possible.
I would like to see some more Interwar aircraft from Germany
Id like to have 2 more EF camos.
60th anniversary of 71th tactical wing. Simply the best skin ever, imho.
2021 special paintjob ‘Eagle Star’, deployment exercise “Blue Flag”, Israel. It will be very useful to quickly get out of matches you dislike, without risking crewlock. For me it would be these time consuming operation maps in Air RB.
Also fix EF wings, they snap off too easily.
Me 262 HG-II
Blohm & Voss proposed armor package for german t54/55s, would be similair to the turret armor of the Super m48 since they also developed that. This would be a intersting way to add a german t54/55 into the tech tree without it being just a lazy copy and paste
unlike the M-48 Blohm&Voss armour package, the Super M-48 and the Leopard 1A6, the T-54.55 package was never made so idk if this can ever be considered even
The armor is the same design, same effectivness. And a lot of modifications and even vehicles didnt exist irl are in the game, i would much rather have this than a copy and paste vehcile i will never use
i think youll like this one more since it was actually made too