Wishlist for Germany (WIP)


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I really don’t understand how some people want things that are unique to another nation just because they are too lazy to play their tech tree, must have something to do with exaggerated national pride or, like Garfield, lazily waiting for the lasagne.

France didn’t need F-16s and doesn’t need leopards yet they will get them.

I play France, what’s with the weird nationalism? No one is being greedy, you just seem to have a weird hate boner for Germany.

It’s not nationalism, I’m not French and I play China along with France. Most French mains dislike the F-16s and potential leopards in the TT

Not wanting Germany to get French aircraft with a different flag doesn’t mean I hate Germany.

The one and only time review bombing actually worked was when almost the entire playerbase was affected.

It’s only the diehard somewhat nationalistic nation mains that care about this. If the chinese bot farmers couldn’t review bomb succesfully, I doubt some diehard nation mains will do much better.

It was only like 100 bots max, they also didn’t do it properly

I don’t want to review bomb, but at some point we have to say enough is enough, every nation has a laundry list of issues that need urgent adressing.

Which is also likely the same number as the amount of people that you will find who cares enough about this to review bomb over it.

The forum is like 1% or less of the playerbase. Seeing how less than 10% of the forum even cares about this you would end up with a very small number of people.

A review bomb over the APHE vote was 60 times less lol

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Unfortunately I’m on Xbox right now so I type very slowly, most players in game chat agree with me there needs to be change though, I feel it would work.

There’s other steps we gotta try before going there tho

I mean, I won’t stop you from trying, but I have lost count of the amount of “calls to arms” I have seen ever since the big one. The only things they have in common is that they were all about small issues and that they all failed.

We just need a centralized hub, unfortunately the war thunder forums is organized enough for that and there would inevitably be fighting

Just one place where all nations can vote on their 3 biggest issues and have a patch where the 30 biggest issues in the game are fixed.

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Like I said, they may not like it, but here we are.

France doesn’t need copy paste leopards or F-16s but they are in game and being added. They have plenty of actual French tanks/Jets to add to game.

Germany however…is hitting the wall jet wise, and can actually use other nations vehicles to be added at this point.

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Good luck, the only player base that gets listen to in that regard is US/RU

Call me radical but what if we remove the Belgian and Dutch WW2 stuff (Be weird to have Germany with spitfires and the likes) and put the BeNeLux jets after the bombers. Just stick all of them in there right now, if you already have the planes it gets transferred.

Solves all those issues and gives Germany the best F-16 in the game, which is what they’ve wanted with Argentina and Poland.

Plus it gives Germany that weird 8.0 sea hawk again

I will not be taking any questions or criticism.

True, some of them are even against the BeNeLux idea because it destroys the French ambient.

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It really ruins the integrity of the tech tree to have American crap all over the place, only upside is we get ARHs with range, which can be solved by a MICA fix.

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Copy & paste must now be the gold standard for air in WT.

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And if ifs and buts were candy and nuts we’d all have a merry Christmas.

But Benelux is here, it went to France.

The Swiss are also here, they went to Germany.

So the Germans will be getting Swiss vehicles.

A joint French and Swiss project that went to France…


It’s clear this is going nowhere, so I think we can end it on agreeing to disagree.

Im absolutely fine with that, though I’d like to just point out that I’m only pointing out facts.

Like what would the point be of posting a Dutch leopard at this point? It’s going to the French tree, like it or not.