Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

i find more probably of some leopards to come thanks to the dutch

I sure hope not.

That’s the thing. No matter how constructive the discussion is, it’s not going to change much.

France is likely getting Benelux leopards and Germany can very likely get the Swiss mirages. Gaijin will do what they want no matter what some of the more nationalistic nation mains feel about it.

You want leopards to stay in the German tree, I want Mirages to stay in the French tree, I can see us working together here man


yeah, gaijin would never pass on a few easy c&p vehicles as seen again and again in the last 2 years. That’s how warthunder now works

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The F-4F ICE is not a good CAS aircraft

I dotn see an issue with CNP.

It happened in reality so whats the issue with it happening in game?

i agree but most CAS fun takes place at 11.0 imho hence i didnt include higher BRs

I have 6 nations at top tier ground with more on the way, I am not a nationalistic nation main, I really have no horse in this race. I’m just stating it how it is.

Also a review bomb over this will be laughably small that it likely won’t even get noticed.

That’s why we need the German mains, there’s enough of them that they can usually get what they want after asking for long enough, as for the French mains the Leclerc thread is over 3000 posts and nothing has happened so yeah

would look very petty trying to say “dont give france leopards!” even if you put it with the “and dont give us mirage’s” hope that dosent cause chaos

It’s popular with most French mains and would hopefully be at least half popular with German mains

There’s also a few other problems with both TTs we could throw in there to make it a sound deal for all of us

ig its more like changing it into “dont move our vehicles into other tech tree’s if they dont need them and if they have more options” should cause less conflict on the ones that are less informed

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Yeah, I was thinking put it somewhere in between the leopard fixes and the Belgian F-16A being at 13.3 lol

I have a long list of things I would like to see fixed with all nations, this just happens to be close to the top.

my number 1 in fix list its the MUSS cuz they only half fixed it and still dosent work properly

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yeah i was so excited to finally be able to detect agm 65’s launches and even F&F just for gaijin to leave it to fix for another 3 years



It’s the same deal with the Su-24 gunpod, sometimes I think they do it to laugh at us, why tease it if it won’t be implemented

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You guys have been making a bunch of noise since seek and destroy about a sub tree and with the P-16 it seems you guys are closer than ever