Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

Screams prejudice

Proceeds to censor the word French…

Chinese players don’t beg and plead for everything under the sun, German players want Argentina, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Croatia, Denmark, Switzerland and more all at once. Pick one and focus on it. Benelux should have gone to Germany, not France anyways.

It’s not prejudice against the country or any of their people, it’s me being jaded because 7/10 interactions with german players are negative.

i dont represent german players, though personally i would like Switzerland and none more

in house meme

Just saying it’s not a great idea to call someone prejudiced and than use a prejudiced meme ya know?


Just no Mirages, there’s enough F-5 variants to make up for it anyways. If a time arises where Germany does need a mirage, they can get one through there.

It’s very likely going to happen regardless, which makes cope like this even more funny.

Step 1: open up war thunder

Step 2: play France

Step 3: get mirage

Mirages have no place in the German TT

just an example to show how it looks to others when they read stuff like this
i mean youd be pretty boned if you were mocked by being called [blind/greedy/headless] [favourite nation] main.

so as long as we both understand its all good. i take back my remark too

eh personally (as a pakistani) i love our ROSE mirages esp the Mirage III ROSE I

and Mirage V ROSE 3

so i would be happy with a CAS aircraft thats actually good for germany

Oh like something along the lines of this 😉


I would be OK if Swiss hornets got Frankensteined for now, AMRAAM + AIM-9P-5 and the whole 9 yards for CAS, even if it came in a later upgrade.

You gonna do everything in your power France doesn’t get a Leopard 2 too?

maybe not restrict germany to having good CAS only at 13.7?

cuz i do share the opinion of the majority that germany needs good 11.0-7 CAS

Whatever you are coping doesn’t really matter. If Gaijin wants it there will be mirages in the German tree, no matter if it hurts your feelings or not.

Depends if Gaijin gives it the CAS options, because the swiss only used their 18Cs as air to air.

If they get confirmed, than yes.

Oh boy do I have something crazy for you


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Cat Staring GIFs | Tenor

Than why reply? I think I’ve had a very constructive conversation with Armen, even if it didn’t start out on the right foot.

Dunno what else you want from me

i dont see anything wrong in countries receving tanks as long as they get to keep their own stuff, is not like the latest version of the mirage either and is not like france would recieve a leopard 2A7V and even so for example italy got it through hungary and wasnt wrong whatsoever they in fact needed the 2A7HU

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Italy’s situation was… special, to say the least

I would prefer tech tree integrity, I don’t want to see American and German stuff in France when I open up the TT, just the same as how I don’t want to see French stuff when I open up the German TT.

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understandable as long as its not like 3 or 4 leopards cuz that would be really weird to see in the french tech tree and not cuz there might be leopards in another tt that isnt germany or sweden is just that, the thing that players are gonna be using the leclerc much less often, and honestly its just gonna be weird in general like somthing dosent fit there but if its 1 or 2 thing its fine as long as it dosent oversaturate the TT with exports


If France bought or operated a few leopards, it would be alright to have one or 2 in the tree. Fortunately (or unfortunately) they didn’t, the Leclercs are rather lacking right now and I would like to see them become more competitive and given their actual features, such as the advanced FCS.

The only thing I could see the leopards being good for in the TT is as rank 7 premiums, even than preleclercs would be better.

Why should they? They have their own domestic vehicles, and we don’t need another tree with a leopard 2.