Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

here another possible unit (if helis will be implemented in navals), the german NH90 was seen with weapons for the first time some months ago.

The only question I have about this is what ordinance could it carry? I doubt we will see naval helis for a long time but I wouldn’t be opposed to adding this if it could carry other ordinance.

for now NH90 are mainly used with naval weapons, that is why I sayd when they will be implemented in naval this will be a good choice.

Need this for Germany naval coastal tree:

1 man submarine called Biber


If Germany gets a gripen bc of Switzerland eveyone will go insane XD

(btw the picture is fake this is the real one)


The question is, is there any way for Switzerland to get a Gripen? Was trialed or something?

The gripen has no place in any TT other than Sweden, it also doesn’t meet the criteria for an addition because Swiss pilots tested Swedish gripens in Sweden, they didn’t even buy one to test in Switzerland.

Swedish TT literally got a Mi-28 bc of their pilots served as gunners in it and they end up not buying then damn thing, if we go buy this logic a Swiss trialed gripen fill the criteria


It’s a stupid addition that 90% of the community doesn’t agree with, should Japan get Flankers?


If you want a gripen go grind out the Swedish tree.

Japan never trailed flankers so it’s not a good comparison

Oh yes, they did.

I don’t need a gripen there is a F/A-18 coming and after it there will be a EFT, i hate C/P just like alot of ppl not bc it’s annoying but bc it just take what unique in a TT and make it like an extention for a another TT, i mean look at German air from 8.3 to top tier there is nothing unique there accept the Alpha jet, but does that mean it can’t be added ofc not, if it needed specifically to fill gaps and give a competitive atmosphere then it should be added.

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Germany has zero need for a gripen, IF they get the F-18 they have even less need, the devs are working on an appropriate fix right now.

But yeah you explained it pretty well, the German aviation industry is essentially nonexistent post-ww2 until late cold war

Lest hope for it i don’t know how they are going to implement a sub TT without adding a 6th line, but hopefully they do it well bc Switzerland can offer alot of unique stuff.

Compared to ground TT that have only 8 tanks that is C/P the air TT is a disaster.

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I think Switzerland could be a unique sub, there’s just some lines I don’t want crossed, such as their Mirage IIIs

Also yeah Germany ground is one of, if not the best TT and air is real life accurate, just a bunch of American stuff to hold back the Soviet stuff and Soviet stuff to hold back the American stuff while both sides get their things together for a Cold War gone hot lmao.

Why exactly? Switzerland used one of the most unique variants of the Mirage III, and since France has been leaked to be getting Leopard 1s and 2s I think it’s fair.

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Most of the French community does not want the Leopards. Mirages are French aircraft and should stay that way, we already have the Milan so what’s a few more in the French TT.

Also most of the mirages were worked on jointly between Switzerland and France.


Doesn’t really matter what the French community wants though, this is what Gaijin have said:

So if the Mirage IIIS comes, it will come to Germany.


What’s special abt the mirage iiis?

“At the moment”

So no, there is no guarantee, and I will do everything in my power to make sure Germany does not get a single Mirage.