Wishlist for Germany (WIP)


there were some major and some minor differences… technically speaking

This page


just the one i shared above and a few paragraphs here:
Screenshot 2024-09-17 140241
Screenshot 2024-09-17 140334

Screenshot 2024-09-17 140659
Screenshot 2024-09-17 140807

I found this in a modelling magazine @Armen_Lozone


can you share the source?
altho tbf it basically just states the T and L in the same name. unorthodox but eh
i wouldnt rely on this

On discord

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plus 2 kormoran anti ship missiles

I think that was a proposed naval version for the usa if I’m not mistaken (or one of the proposed upgrades for the Mk3 version).

i think if the 191B has the ground/naval radar it can mount and fire it but not sure

Who does bro think he is? (What is this thing?)

I’m not sure if this would really count as a “Wishlist” but I wouldn’t be opposed to/can see Gaijin foldering the ICE with the F-4F Late due to how unpopular it is and how much negativity it brought when being added. All this assumes the Swiss F-18 will be added after the phantoms.

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Isnt the F-4F Late Rank VII while the ICE is Rank VIII?

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Correct but thats why I’m not sure on the idea. Gaijin consistently moves around BRs but I am unaware of a time where they moved a vehicle a rank down. I still could see Gaijin doing this to the ICE given its just a phantom with a modern radar, RWR, and missiles. Another idea I’ve seen floating around is the 4F Late getting aim-9L’s, which Gaijin would most likely increase its BR and possibly its rank.
Edit: It’s almost rumored/ leaked that we are getting a Swiss F-5E so the line could be changed to something like this. F-104G → F-5E → F-4F (ICE gets foldered) → F-18
This is again, assuming Gaijin is only adding a handful of Swiss aircraft instead of a new line. Not to mention they have stated 5 lines is the max due to limitations(unless it gets changed).

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Even if that’s the case for whatever technical reason they could just move subtrees in general to a new tab and tie the rank requirements together with the main tree.
Worked for helicopters.

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IDK, all I can wish for is a Swiss F-18 to come soon.

This is something I HOPE for


German Glide Bomb with GPS/Electro-optical targeting


HOSBO would make more sense since it has a normal HE warhead instead of the armor piercing warhead the HOPE has for bunker busting


I thought HOPE had both the regular and AP warhead, where HOSBO had the weird microwave/less than lethal warheads. I could be wrong, but regardless, the HOPE/HOSBO series would be good

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