does it? Havent played it for a while so you may be right
I looked it up in the wiki. Difference between the G and F are 0.7 seconds ace reload. Not much but the panther f is already the best 6.0 panther with the range finder
They could add this, it would be a great feature, but then they would have to ‘stabilise’ just about every french tank after 5.0 as they used a similar system.
Would also be good to have in naval as there are fire control systems which do the same thing, Britain I know for a fact had them on the admiralty fire control table.
IMO such a system should only work in scoped mode, where you can hold down your LMB an have it work the same way
Sounds good to me, so long as it was to be implemented it would be a particularly fantastic mechanic.
Surprisingly enough, there is not a suggestion for the German D-Class Heavy Cruisers.
It is almost entirely an up-armoured Deutschland class, little if nothing was increased other than the main belt which went from just 3.1 inches, to 8.7 inches. Making her around 5000 tonnes heavier than the Deutschland’s, (and royally pissing off the Royal Navy).
Would have to be 6.3 as her belt is better than even HMS Invincible. Plus DPM and fantastic AA, torpedo’s and a turtleback would make her formidable.
I will be writing a proposal post for it soon.
We need more Wiesels

Wiesel 1 MK25 : 25 mm armed version.
Wiesel 2 RMK 30: prototypes have been fitted with a Rheinmetall RMK30 recoilless autocannon.
Wiesel 2 ATM HOT: anti-tank vehicle fitted with HOT missiles.
Wiesel 1 ATM HOT: anti-tank vehicle fitted with HOT missiles.
Wiesel 1 MELLS: TOW replaced by Spike.
The first one very much just looks like the Mk20 variant, espresso the gun which seems to just be a RH202
Yes to everytihing.
Dutch AH-64E
Germany also Will recieve some of them for what i read since they don’t wanna do the Tiger Mk3 program
well to be fair, Bell did offer to move an entire self contained production line of AH-1Z’s to Germany
For now It Is Uncertain, there are some candidate. We Will see when they Will decide the winner
We need something better than the tornado for ground pounding
Swiss f-18 might be nice or if argentina has any good CAS.
Swiss F/A-18 has no
Even though it’s a F/A-18 the swiss one has all A2G capabilities removed making it only pure air to air
Onto the next then…
Their was a data mine of a radar that only found it block 52 F16s
Poland uses them
So who knows maybe or could be for something else
Argentina has nothing currently suitable for CAS particularly high-tier CAS, potentially later when their F-16 order goes through they could receive some basic A2G loadouts.