Added 👍
It’s strange that you can’t tell the difference between a Mercedes Benz G-Wagon and a Toyota
it was just a joke lol
already included 👍
How did you make them accept the Zerstörer 45 as a suggestion i was trying for months but never got accepted
From ww2 era
7,62 Zentimeter PanzerjagerKanone 36(Russiche) auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen II (Flamm) (Selbstfahrlafette).
Canadian M-B UNIMOG with Milan ATGM

I will collect here rare Mercedes G462, assembled by ELBO from factory kits at the factory in Thessaloniki.
Hellenic Vehicle Industry S.A. also known as ELBO (Greek: ελληνική ΒιομηχΑνίΑ OχΗμάτων Α.Β.Ε.; ΕΛΒΟ) is a Greek multidisciplinary company that produces various cars and buses both of its own design and under licenses from various Western European firms, as well as army vehicles and tanks.
100% of the company’s shares were owned by Steyr Austria, but now more than half of the shares are in the hands of private individuals.
Greek 240GD
With Milan ATGM
9K111-2 “Bassoon-M”
For the Greek army, the vehicles are left-handed, with a 290D diesel engine
With a ZU-23 on a trailer
(German) DKW Munga with recoilless
Estonian 240G with MILAN ATGM
MAN c ZU-23 truck
MB G-Wagon (version unknown). Uses a machine gun unknown exactly how and ATGM Milan or Javelin
The country is unknownдля-любителей-военных-геликов/page/6/
Volkswagen Iltis c пулемётом и ПТРК MILAN
Lithuanian MB G-Wagon (version unknown), armed with a 12.7 and ±7mm machine gun with Spike MR or LR ATGM.
MB G-Wagon, Estonia (model unknown) with Milan ATGM and in mask networks.для-любителей-военных-геликов/page/12/
Observation and anti-aircraft (for launching Stinger-type MANPADS) platform based on Mercedes Benz MB 290 GD
Latvian G-Wagon with Javelin
Mercedes-Benz LK, SK
More serious transport and tactical tasks are performed in the army by vehicles of the LK and SK series. Trucks of models 917, 1114 and 1117 with 4x2 and 4x4 wheel formulas, with engines with a capacity of 136 and 170 hp are used for rapid transfer of personnel and even for the installation of light weapons. Heavy models 2028A and 2628A (6x6) with 280 hp engines are equipped with multi-purpose side bodies, and 500-horsepower 3250AS and 3850AS (6x6) machines serve as tank tractors.
Mercedes-Benz 290GD, 290GDT
The program opens with a lightweight multipurpose car Mercedes-Benz 290GD, which is part of the family of well-known cargo and passenger all-terrain vehicles of the G series. The army version is made on a simplified G461 chassis manufactured at the Steyr-Daimler-Puch plant in Austria, and is manufactured in a single version of the 290GDT, equipped with an inline 5-cylinder 2.9-liter turbocharged diesel engine with a capacity of 120 HP and an automatic 4-speed transmission. The car is offered with 3 wheelbase sizes (2400; 2850; 3400 mm) and 8 main body types. The main design is a 2-seater “short” version with an awning, designed for staff purposes, reconnaissance and communications. Fully open and closed versions are also used for the transportation of 10 personnel, pickups and vans with a payload of up to 2 tons. The chassis with a cabin is used for the installation of sanitary bodies and special structures. Cars of this range are capable of reaching a maximum speed of 137 km/h, overcoming the rise
Iltis (TOW)
20mm (Rh202) anti-aircraft gun for 2t Unimog
The unpretentious and reliable Unimog with a 23 mm ZU-23 spark or a 14.5mm ZPU-4 quadruple installation was particularly popular. At the same time, shooting at ground targets was conducted much more often than at air targets.
Mongolian UNIMOG with ZU-23
In 2015, the Bundeswehr donated 22 Mercedes-Benz Unimog S all-terrain trucks to the Mongolian Armed Forces. In the picture: military personnel of the 016th named after Marshal H. Choibalsan of the motorized rifle brigade during the exercises.
РСЗО Pampero
Estonian G-Wagon with ATGM
Pzh2000 passed to consideration this is the happiest and saddest day of my life
M113 A1 G Milan-1
its been stuck there for a while smh
The sad part is knowing Gaijin dev team, passed to consideration means that it will take even more time to be implemented
unfortunately yes…
theres a post for IRIS-T (air launched) as well ^^
i think i included your works up there somewhere 😋
Seen today on the open house of the German Ministry for Defense, the Marder 1A3 Mod is
used as the so-called “Systronic Demonstrator”. Basically the same vehicle as the Marder 1A3,
it is fitted with a drive-by-wire system, usable from three stations inside, a remotely controlled
weapons turret for guns and missiles (still fitted as mock-up only) and new sensors. Additionally
a training system and a close range communications and data transmission system for the dismounted
infantry is integrated. The vehicle has six flexible configurable workstations and is meant to be used
in network-centric theatres.
Marder 1A3 Mells
is the last picture a marder 1A5 MELLS or a Marder 1A3 MELLS?
because ive seen both models?
or do they both exist?
1A3 Mells and 1A5 Mells