Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

a wonderful list!


No, that specific sistem on the F104G was a pod with a camera (that could be used for reconaissance). Also regarding the previous mentioned Marder 2 (Hitfist 105) the guy that suggested It for Italy left suggesting stuff on the forum a lot of times ago so if You want a suggestion for the German section a new One has to be made.

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Can we ask the mods to copy it themselves?

just saying , it has not been confirmed yet that , that is the production version yet. there is still possible things they gotta add etc

It could be an idea, but they would have to ask to the user if he agree

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pretty cool suggestion altough i feel the name could be better like KF-41 Lynx: A Modern Predator for the Battlefield

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people usually connotate predator with… stuff lmao
also i try to keep the titles short

well it is a predatory cat, but i had funnier names like “The Powerfull fluffball”


why this mf looking so happy???
and like a… predator

is friend shape :3 But not Friend :c


ykw… check now


brother you are a bit late, but yeah we will see the PUMA S1 this major update

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Been at work all day lmao, so yeah i am late. Also did we seriously still not get 10 right? What the hell is it

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The Japanese CTWV ICV or RCV, although the riddle suggests that it may be both.

i mean we still yet to see what we are getting this update

guys i think we should finally get our aim-9ls for the f-4f late, its at 11.0 and many other jets get all aspects as well on top of sarh missiles

basically re-make the bug reports


It would go up in br

other aircraft have all aspects at 11.0 too
as well as SARH missiles