Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

i mean we still yet to see what we are getting this update

guys i think we should finally get our aim-9ls for the f-4f late, its at 11.0 and many other jets get all aspects as well on top of sarh missiles

basically re-make the bug reports


It would go up in br

other aircraft have all aspects at 11.0 too
as well as SARH missiles

Which ones? I have no idea what 11.0 have them rn

I thought they were all 11.3

11.0 is a BR with barely around 5 aircraft across all tech trees, hence the F-4F gets mostly up-tiered to 11.3 anyway

Link to bug report

Idk i just domt see it being 11.0 with all aspects, hell even the mig 21 bis is at 11.3

Id be fine with that br increase but its really not an issue.
The f-4f is castrated rn basically.

Didn’t the Early use Aim 9J and L also or am i thinking of the late

I’ve heard the 9j was only used for testing purposes and peace rhine upgrades to German f-4fs hot then the aim 9L soon enough

we really need the better FlaRakRad


has anyone mentioned the messerspit. I know its unarmed but it is one of the coolest designs and could be a cool event vehicle or premium for germany because germany didnt get a premium mustang or spitfire.


Is this a leaked vehicle list? We are eating good this next update if it’s true. My eyes are on the PUMA S1 and the OSA AKM, which will most likely be for Hungary to give Italy a competitive SPAA.

Osa isnt for germany (from what we know rn) and the this is list from Gszabi himself

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This is all true so far

Interesting, as if Russia needed yet another SPAA this update… But I’m happy Italian mains are getting the OSA AKM. Still no PzH 2000, sad. Also the mention of the Boxer is cool, I wonder what will it be? SkyRanger maybe since Italy and Russia are getting the OSA?

PzH 2000 one day…

I saw MBT2000 and my brain instantly thought it was the PzH2000 lol, I got bamboozled.

a close up of a monkey 's face with the words `` neuron activation '' written above it .