Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

Well the 27mm does have some crossover, but the MK30/2ABM is a bit too chunky/too much recoil for the LuWa. I think Woolfi is right in saying they’ll go for the 25mm

another possible options would be the same weaponry as the F-35 to share weaponry . Nevermind thats a 25mm lol

They wont put the 25mm gatling onto the LuWa. that would be more than a bit much. Keep in mind the Fuchs replacement program is requiring a 25mm gun, and thats likely why a 25mm is being selected for the LuWa as well

oh didnt even think of fennek replacement yet as well, to many options

The tender literally says it will get a 25mm.
Would personally guess on the KBA, given that its from Rheinmetall


adding this to the wish list cuz funny

(photo not mine)


Lol, who even needs a Tornado ADV


yeah lol, just have 2 Aim-9Ls (maybe even 9Li, 9L I-1) and two AMRAAMs/SkyFlash/Aspide/Sparrow.
while on the topic…
does this mean it can technically carry 4 x Aim 9L?

images (1)

We need an Opel Blitz im game


imagine if it came into the game in this state…

“komrade the pikture show da shape of da truk.
da truk look dat way so it be dat way”


The problem is this is so unique that this is the only pic that exist.

Now more rockets for Germany:



these appear to be the same chassis imo

They are poth are Opel Blitz you can see they have the same wheels covers/numbers, if you look at the doors they are perfectly identical amd poth have the same carriage

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i think the one in the other thread with the 20mm flak firing at a building was also an opel blitz, it did show the curved roof so i was wondering why it looked familiar…

You mean these

It could but it’s hard to tell if they are Opels.

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no not these, it was a picture of the truck facing our 4 oclock to the bottom right of the picture and the single 20mm flak firing at a building (picture context said something about driving out US commandos)

this one

Ooo this one

Unfortunately i checked this my self isn’t not an Opel nor a daimler benz you can see that there is two windows and the wheels cover and the carriage is completely different

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ah nice spotting!
ngl i kinda prefer the smooth roofs these old trucks used to have over the boxy modern style

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Old vehicles are nice but every time new look appears and suddenly ppl like that more than that and this is how cares looks got developed

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