My Chikugo simply spamming 76mm HE shell and send tons of reserve destoryer back to base, the damage model is completely broken after the update, anything with quick firing gun can do a lots of damage. Absolutely horrible change.
I stopped using AP, its just HE yield and nothing else. WTF is armor good for?
Like I said, anti-ship missiles almost all use HE warheads. The previous damage model would make them a little weak against anything larger than a DD or pre-WW2 CL.
Quite frankly I’m not only expecting anti-ship missiles in June but also for HE to never get nerfed in order to keep missiles relevant.
I hope I’m wrong, but it seems like Gaijin is focused more on the “I don’t play naval but I would if…” makret rather than the “I play naval and just stop making it worse” market.
In any event we’ll likely see in the next few days or weeks if they bring HE under control or not.
As for the Destroyer/Frigate BR zone, if the fragment penetration bug is fixed and the HE/SAP damage is adjusted to weaken a bit, it may be just right in terms of game balance. As for the Battleship/Heavy Cruiser BR zone, it would not fit the new fragment generation system itself unless the durability of the ship itself is improved as well.
Well they just need to give missiles a high HE dmg coeff while keeping these for guns low. I think this is really a few lines of code.
I can feel your desperation, really, I mean, naval is dead.
GAIJIN naval developers, if you can see my comment, I must tell you most Senior veteran naval players , who keep playing and spend a lot of time and money on it for years only feel
Gaijin’s attitude toward naval is ridiculous, three days after the update they still haven’t fixed the glitch, while the naval event is still going on like nothing happened. I am working on the suggestion of chinese coastal tech tree, Gaijin’s attitude let me feels like I’m doing useless thing.
yes. I can understand you.
The famous “I’m going to attract a lot of new people and I don’t care about the ones that are already there”. Normally you don’t bring in new people and you scare away the ones that are already there.
I hope you are wrong and this is just a mistake.
Normally I would say “interesting I look forward to seeing it” but now I would understand if you dropped the project.
The problem is of course, you can’t repair stuff.
Also, who in Gaijin’s department of deciding to add stuff thought it was a good idea to add Missile boats to just 3 tech trees but then not others? All EC is is stupid Bravy and Douglas players spamming missiles at everyone, meanwhile there’s me in my Diana/Daring which has to suffer getting oneshot by someone tossing Volnas at me from 16km?
Don’t get me wrong, I want to see missile gameplay at some point, but it really, really needs refining. As in, so everyone has a missile ship in their tree, not just Russia America and Italy.
Fix has been deployed to Mutsu, Arizona and Bretagne by today’s hot-fix patch.
Fix to more ships will come as soon as they’re ready.
I assume a ref to Update
This appears to reference issues specific to these ships, whereas the damage bug is universal across the board. Even if correct it seems an odd solution and implies every ship in turn will need a new damage model which will take an age.
Plus it would still be good practice to publicly acknowledge there is a problem to begin with.
Unfortunately, this bug seems to lie on the ship’s side rather than shells, and yes, developers know it is a universal issue across the board, which also means, unfortunately, they will have to check each ship to figure out the fixes.
In the long run, this is a good thing. That is to say, adding more shell fragments didn’t create the issue, the improved reliability simply made existing “armour holes” and such much more obvious. They were always in need of fixing, and this has helped narrow down where the fixes are needed.
Put another way, if you had a cup with a tiny hole(s) in it and filled it with coarse sand, some may leak out, or it may not. Fill it with water though, and the holes are constant and obvious.
The higher the fragment count in an explosion, the closer to “water” we get, and the easier it is to find these holes.
Fair enough but as I said elsewhere 'The silence is Deafening! "
If they want to placate the players the Devs need to communicate what the problem & solution is and not leave it to cryptic vehicle specific hot fixes. Or do they not appreciate having a Major naval bug start the same day as a naval event isn’t a great idea?
This was the case for a long time. WT’s TTK is just far too low (even before patch) for skill to actually matter, coupled with aimbot FCS and spawn to spawn map shooting.
Which was actually pointed out by the devs when they said way back at the launch of the naval mode, “our model will never work well for anything but smaller vessels, because we can’t make realistic TTK for big ships and small ones together in the same 15-minute long game.” And yet here we are, continuing to try to make the impossible happen. Wheeee…!
Fix has been deployed to Mutsu, Arizona and Bretagne by today’s hot-fix patch.
What is this fix exactly? And they’re fixing 1 ship per day at this rate?
This bug seems to lie on the ship’s side
Just revert the changes then?
They’re going hole by hole it seems:
- IJN Haruna — hull reinforcement has been added below the waterline, from the lower edge of the armor belt, to better protect the ammunition magazines.
- IJN Mutsu — a bug where the bow ammuniton magazines could take damage without penetrating the armor has been fixed. A bug where the elevators of the main caliber turrets could receive damage without penetrating the armor has been fixed.
- USS Arizona — a bug in the armor of the barbettes where the second elevator and the main caliber turret could receive damage from ammunition that could not penetrate the armor has been fixed.
- Bretagne — a bug in the damage model where the bow ammunition magazines could take damage from explosions close the hull has been fixed.
That doesn’t’ even seem related to the whole HE thing?