Winter extreme especulation

Hello my darlings,

Creating this topic for us to especulate the Winter 2024 events and rewards.

2023 - [Event] Winter Extreme: Earn Yourself Rewards this Festive Season! - News - War Thunder

2023 Rewards:

J9 Early - A Rank II Premium for Sweden.
Mirage 2000C-S4 - A Rank VIII Event Vehicle for France.
USS Mississippi - A Rank VI Event Vehicle for the USA.
Vilkas - A Rank VII Event Vehicle for Germany.

2022 - [Event] Winter Quest - News - War Thunder

Rewards from 2022:

Late 298D - France, rank I, premium
T-80UM2 - USSR, rank VII, event vehicle
Tornado IDS Marineflieger - Germany, rank VIII, event vehicle
USS Newport News - USA, rank V, event vehicle

What vehicles you think will come in this winter?

Ground Low Tier Reward: Not Found
Air Low Tier Reward: Not Found
Naval Low Tier Reward: Not Found

Ground High Tier Reward: Disappointment
Air High Tier Reward: Su-33
Naval High Tier Reward: Bote


That would be quite a reward!

But I wish sometimes the high tiers where not from the big TTs

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This as reward for URSS Navy would at minimum, interesting
HMS Royal Sovereign or Arkhangelsk


I hope whatever naval ship they add, is gonna be premium, I mostly try to stay away from 30k+ repair costs lol

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My guess is that we will get the RDF/LT for this year’s high-ranking ground vehicle.

If the recent leaks are to be believed, we should be getting the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle and Kongo-class battlecruiser Kirishima as the top ground and naval rewards respectfully.

Unfortunately, to my knowledge nothing is known of the top air reward nor a potential low tier reward, maybe it will be leaked sooner to the official reveal.

At this point I just wish they still do a 4 vehicle event to be honest :D

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Regarding the ground vehicle. It’s a shoe box with a Bushmaster, which means very bad.

images (20)


It is a shoebox with a Bushmaster that has an almost 50 hp/t, which means it could go from very bad to somewhat bad/silly at times

Didn’t they stop doing Summer/Winter events with the new event cycle?

They stopped doing all the three-reward events with the exception of the Winter one.
[Development] Introducing War Thunder’s New Event Cycle - Official News, Development Blogs and Updates - War Thunder — official forum

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I forgot about this 120k score per 2 days event. I just hope it isnt copy/paste.

Ah, forgot about that, fair enough.

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Why do you think that there will be a winter extreme event? I mean we have a completely new event system now.

Edit: Don’t get me wrong. Ireally hope that you’re right.

The winter/summer events are long gone, brother. We now have the new template. Next event vehicle, as per Mike Erhmantraut’s leak, is the Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAAV).

Though winter sales and subsequent SL loot crates are still coming as per usual.

Winter events are just multi grind vehicles, you have 2 of same kind and 1 for the others.
Last winter was 2 air, 1 ground and 1 naval

THat 60k SL for a 0.something chance of getting old premiums?

Im saving some money for that, now sure if the vehicles in the box worth it, by you know…

My granny always said: “Never say to to somw piwo e some bingo”


Last winter event was the LAST event of the type. New schedule started with Call of the Dragon. This will be the last time ever I will be explaining it. If you don’t believe me, go browse Official News section for proof.

I got quite alot of vehicles from the SL crates, but then again. I always buy between 500-1000 crates each time. Last time I got the F-11 Tiger for example. I am trying to make enough SL for the upcoming SL crates, but it’s really hard to make substantial amount of SL in SB… :/

Right now I have only enough for 500 crates :(
