99.9% when you dogfight you either win, lose or get third partied and the result is the same. No assist. Occasionally I take massive damage and limp back to the airfield or get hunted down by the same player.
If you play props there is a slim chance you can get an assist if you contest enough caps, but again, they are few and far between.
The only way to get this reliably is in a squad… and if you’re a bomber you will never get it.
If Gaijin compared the number of assists per game BUT also divided that number by the average time in ARB/AAB they would find it’s FAR lower in sim. A 3 hour game WILL result in some assists, but not enough that it should be a task.
This is hardly objective proof, but in a random 3.7-4.7 game that was 4 minutes until the end I see there were a total of FOUR assists for the whole game, 2 for each player on one side, so perhaps they were flying together. So 1 assist for 45 minutes of play.
Yes, about the only way to have a chance: fly prop tiers; fire mg-only into AI bombers and hope to crit but not destroy; wait for team to complete the kill.
Of course, if you do have this battle task your mgs will become death-dealing mega weapons and the chance of merely damaging will be close to zero. Seen it happen under precisely these circumstances. Used the twin 50s only on one of the Spitfires and at the first - very short - touch of the trigger the AI Do 217 lost a wing and generally blew up.
Task requirements for Sim seem pretty broken in general, so I never bother. A special task was asking for 30 air kills when 5 kills over a whole EC session is already tough for me.
My favourite remains the overtly-speciifc targets. Kill bombers! Wait, no, those are strike craft despite doing level bombing.
Kill strike craft! Nope, that’s a frontline bomber, or with jets: “that’s a fighter.”
Kill fighters! At least MOSTLY this works, but some fighters are marked as strike craft so not always.
Kill numbers themselves seem to suffer mostly from brackets. Getting a lot of kills with missile jets that fly across tunisia in a blink feels far easier than with early props.