Will xbox players be compensated

uff you really have 0 idea what you are talking about.

The POINT I made was the following.

EA is not even 10% of my claim.

So are you saying that reimbursing is not a thing that ever happens? Then give me proof. My statement needs no proof reimbursing people in videogames for server downtime is general buisnes praxis. It is valid without a proof because it is common. That is how this works.
I did not spend 10 years studying and learning about discussions just to have a know it all knows nothing come along and claim bullshit.,

The burden of proof does nolonger lie with me. My claim is true without any proof because it is standard procedure.

Its like saying that Apples are a fruit. That also needs no proof

That is a claim, not proof.

I don’t have to prove you right or wrong. You have to prove you’re right. Every statement needs proof because without it your claim is meaningless.

Not once in my life have I been reimbursed for server downtime. It is not a “general business praxis” (practice). This issue isn’t Gaijin’s, it is Mircrosoft’s, so Gaijin wouldn’t compensate anyone anyway, but that isn’t even the point I’m making.

“When two parties are in a discussion and one makes a claim that the other disputes, the one who makes the claim typically has a burden of proof to justify or substantiate that claim, especially when it challenges a perceived status quo.” Cargile, James (January 1997). “On the burden of proof”. Philosophy. 72 (279). Cambridge University Press: 59–83. doi:10.1017/s0031819100056655. JSTOR 3751305. S2CID 170772287.

The perceived status quo for this situation is that companies do not compensate for server downtime. You made a claim that “any other developer would reimburse you”, and have no proof of this. Using Microsoft as an example, I have been an Xbox user since the Xbox 360 release and never ONCE have I been compensated for Xbox server downtime. If it was a common business practice, I would assume Microsoft would be aware and practice it.

You also need to prove this too. You need to prove it is standard procedure for your first point to stand.

its not a claim its a general statement which needs no proof as I explained. You would demand proof if I said “Apples are fruit”? Ok then be idiotic about it

That is absolutely untrue.
Most statements need no proof. Thats why they are statements. Claims need proof. Statements do not. Again Go educate yourself before engaging in a grownup discussion as a know nothing child

Again leave the WT bubble. That is a you problem. Reimbursement is its own field of buisness.

True, but I made no claim. I made a statement. Learn the difference.

That is a strong claim.

No. just because you live in the WT bubble does not mean a general statement needs proof.

Go learn the difference between a statement and a claim little child

EA, nor any other entity in the world, will compensate someone for something completely unrelated to them.

Furthermore, no company, not EA nor any other gaming company “reimburses” people for server downtime. There are times when promised rewards or other deliverables are not met and in that case, yes, even EA would either deliver said item or refund a payment. That is not the same.

I’m sorry you spent 10 years studying discussions and never heard that “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”.

PLEASE DON’T ARGUE HERE! I posted this looking for an actual answer not so that people could argue about EA

Go message microsoft for compensation

Your “statement” is an opinion until you prove it to be factual.

A statement is a clear expression of something in speech or writing.

A claim is an assertion of the truth of something, typically one that is disputed or in doubt.

What you said is both. You clearly expressed that you think “that any other developer would reimburse you. ANY OTHER. Even EA does”. You are asserting that is is the truth, and we have disagreed. Magical.

Microsoft will be the one to contact. Gaijin isn’t going to compensate you for the missteps of another company.

Firstly. Your entire point is already changing subjects. Because we are talking about stuff related to Gaijin and not unrelated to Gaijin.

WG reimbursed players of WoT and WoWs 3 times in 2024 alone for server downtime. Riot Games reimbursed players at least once this year for server downtime.
EA has reimbursed players for server downtime shortly after the launch of Battlefront II

Sorry mate. But I made not a single claim. i made a statement.

A Claim is percise, limited and closed. It requires proof.
A statement is gerneral, unlimited and open.

So Where in my statement did I limit anything?
I did not claim anyone would always reimburse you. I said they “would reimburse you”.
I said “any other” which could not be more open
“Even EA does” is the only percise statement but is still open and not limited. It does not say “always” or anything else.

You are throwing around half knowledge you picked up while walking past an institude of learning, nothing more.

True, But that does not put the burden of proof onto me. After all I did not claim that “EA never reimbursed people” which would need definitive proof as it can only ever be true or false and not situational like mine. As we have the question of “burden of proof” this does not lie with me as an opinion does not create such a thing.

No. thats not correct. That is an oversimplified dictionary response which covers like 1% of the spectrum. A statement is an utterance of a speaker who conveys a general truth or believe to the audience, it is wide in scope and generalised enough to leave room for the audience to fll in any gaps.

Absolutely false. This would mean a claim could never be made about sth being false. So a claim could only ever assert that x is true but not that x is false. The last part is fine, but far to unspecific. It should be closer to “which requires the speaker to provide adequat proof of anything going against the general believes or truths.”

Yea I said that. and? Did I say always? Did I say on the spot? like my statement is so open you could post it in any circumstance, not even related to online gaming or gaming in general, and it would still fir perfectlcty fine.

You just egocentrically imagined a claim into my statement and are now putting words into my mouth which I have never uttered.

That is simply not true. Hence why the former claim of “I have never received a reimbursement from microsoft” is almost certainly true
The publisher or developer are the ones giving you the reimbursement. They in turn receice break of contract fees from microsoft, in this case.
Microsoft is the server provider for Gaijin. Microsoft has 0 obligation towards the players, only towards Gaijin Entertainment. Gaijin Entertainment has an obligation towards us the players.

That’s not how any of this works… I’m sorry.

So if what I said is true, then you have merely stated an opinion and it will not be factual until proof is given. You must prove your opinion is a factual statement, otherwise it holds no power in a discussion. So that would mean the burden of proof is on you to prove your opinon to be factual. You have effectively just agreed that your statement was an opinion that needed proof and you refuse to provide proof so it isn’t factual.

An opinion isn’t a fact. A fact is proven, your statement is not proven to be factual, it is an opinion.

Ok this is over. you refuse to even read what i wrirte, then remain stupid.

I literally just told you excatly why this claim you are making is wrong by showing exactly that an opinion does not need proof. IT is an believe.

You probably can not even tell me what part of my statement constitutes an opinion, can you?

Go ahead tell me where in my statement there is an opionion.

Ok, right here:

try again.

PS i asked for where exactlyit is, so quoting the entire thing is like a first grader writing the numbers from 1-10 behind every question in his math test

It isn’t a fact, so it must be an opinion.

Guys why are you arguing and getting upset?? Yes, Xbox is down rn. Maybe Gaijin will compensate for this, but who knows. Can someone clean this up?

@Stona_WT @Pacifica


A fact is a something that is known or proved to be true.

A opinion is a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

You have not proved your statement to be true, therefore is a view formed about companies reimbursing players for server downtime that is not shown to be based on fact.