Why this tank is so mid?

I have a real question, why this tank is 5.3 with a bad shell (difficulty to pen a tiger 1) and the shell is very heavy.

Would be possible to give something for making this tank a little bit better?

No AA shell? The tank irl had VT shell and time fuse, after all they used this to shoot planes

The shell velocity is very slow compared to irl but this is a video game so I could understand.

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It`s a very good solid shell so should have no issues penning a Tiger unless its angled?


At front no problem (except MG Port), the side of the turret or side hull 70% of the time I do nothing

The cupulas is also a good place to shoot

Ahem…with a APCBC?

The spalling from a shell that big should do some damage

Yeah, just killing the commander

I use it as a last-spawn vehicle, last spawn and flank

Well, it 100% struggles with heavily armoured vehicles(Tiger IIs, Soviet stuff), but it can deal with most other things(I found Panthers to be its favourite food).

But the lack of an AA shell is annoying even more so as it was built to be a heavy SPAA.

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Gaijin will probably never buff this tank because it’s an event vehicle but yeah, a VT shell would be good

Just adding a VT shell and a better velocity of shells …just that

the one with a timer you add with rangefinder

Yeah, the fuse shell

You have a HE shell on it?

Yes but not proxy

Would be a time-fuse, considering the date most likely(and if I really the bug report I saw for it correctly).

It’s not as good as a proxy, but better than nothing.

Seems like the HE shell on it is so bad it struggles with the cupula on a Tiger

Germans usually always carry a full ammo load so this is the primespot from the sides

And always shoot at this side to take out the gunner and commander, when the gun moves again shoot it again to kill the new gunner

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what? you can pen an almost perfectly angled tiger 1 from 2km away with the 3.7 inch HAA gun. This is a skill issue if you’re not killing Tiger 1.

It is strange that the AA version of the 3.7 is missing its AA shells, it makes sense for its 28pdr and 32pdr descendants but its stupid the 3.7 ram doesn’t have them


But they used proxy fuse

Trust the stats or someone playing the damn vehicle

Even if it’s “green” it have a lot of chance to do nothing