Why there is not a single Spanish vehicle?

So “technically”, I don’t have it

Spain is the only country with a large military industry that isn’t represented in this game.

The purpose of the topic is to say that there are no Spanish vehicles in the game.
First sentence of the topic.

The author also contradicts himself by then saying that there is the VRCC.


So at one point the answer is binary, either there are Spanish vehicles or there are none.


I have the vehicle as well as i stated earlier, what im saying is its removed from the TT so people such as the author of the post cannot see it.

I know there is spanish equipment and bound to be more.
at no point have i said that there isnt spanish equipment in game.

What I have stated is technically right now as it stands its no longer accessible unless you have bought it previously. Which both me, and yourself have done.

What I have stated is technically right now as it stands its no longer accessible unless you have bought it previously. Which both me, and yourself have done.

Oh okay i read to fast lol

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nah dont worry mate I know what you meant, I already chinned the Author for saying some strange things, such as the spanish vehicle (VRCC) had been removed then replaced with teh same vehicle with a differet flag. Which is total nonsense but hey ho.

I think folks are just skimming what im saying and missing the actual point of what im writting xD appears ive caused some bother up above

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Can I buy it now? NO
Technically it exists, practically no new player can play it because they can’t buy it.
It’s not that hard to understand

Yes I agree with you it is no longer purchasable but it exists, that’s the very title of your topic.

You should have expressed yourself differently.

The game is over 10 years old, no wonder they missed vehicles

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You can get neither. The Maus has been delisted and the IS-7 was a limited time event half a decade ago.

As for the VRCC… It’s been relisted 3 separate times. One as a general reintroduction, the twice for a limited time holiday event. It’s almost certainly coming back again.

They announced the Maus would be removed and brought it back at entirely random intervals for a VERY small window of time. Every October since the VRCC was added it had been relisted, unlike the Maus where it’s seemingly at the devs’ whim.

I can go spend my savings on an IS7 right now.

a general reintroduction? i musta missed that one mate and ive only seen it back once outwith its original release (again ive had it since before they removed it so I may not have seen it coming back)

this sentence makes 0 sense bud. how could it be relisted every october when its not even been removed longer than a year? its been removed for 9 months more or less?

tends to be around events like birthdays and anniversaries etc ive noticed.

a lot of people said that as well when they removed the merkava MK2D, yet over a year later its yet to make any form of return.

It depends, like italy has a 9.3 GE prem already in the OF40 MTCA.

also the maus isnt delisted from the game, its not in rotation right now and i can get it, that however does not mean that it isnt removed either, they are technically accessible the maus IS7, AMX50 Superblinde whatever event vehicle you choose, (bar the e100 as no one is selling it).
The VRCC right now along with the maus, are not accessible to say someone who starts playing the game right now. dont get so wound up over it mate im not looking for an argument over what factually is what is infront of us xD

As it stands right now, for @jar292 there is literally no spanish vehicle they can access in game.

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This is war thunder, they still exist. Most vehicles in the game are of soviet origin. Hence Soviet or Russian are interchangeable within the context of the vehicles used.

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If that is all you took from what i said i suggest we move on.

The more modern vehicles fall under russian even in game, i believe the t90 is russian, but may be soviet.

Does not change any of the points I made however.

The only reason there are Soviet vehicles in the UK is because of the cultural ties between India and Britain.
I’ll give you some reasons:
Cultural and historical ties
Britain needs subtrees
India has millions of people

With this same logic, Spain + Portugal (similar to England and Scotland) can get subtrees with Latin American vehicles.

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Ah yes the cultural ties? What are they? The horrendous history of britains take over and treatment during the empire ? Which India left. Then wanted to leave the commonwealth as well.
Doesn’t sound like the nations are very close.

No, we literally are closer military wise with Canada and only very recently began operating any form of neutral operations of shared information with india.
We do not get involved with anything they do.

What same logic? ? The united kingdom of great britain is 3 countries and northern ireland in a joining of nations under one banner, while scotland is 97 percent devolved we still have the same army as england, wales, and northern ireland, they are all part of the british army.
It’s not an alliance, or a cultural thing, that we joined the nations to become stronger.

Its nothing alike to forcing Portugal, spain, then all tbe latin american countries into one tree.

As ive said the latin american countries (is that the better way to say south american btw genuinely asking to not sound rude) have more indigenous vehicles and designs which quite frankly shouldn’t be rammed in with Portugal and Spain due to the uniqueness of them.

To put Spain and portugal in with rhe latin american nations would allow for them to replace any unique vehicles from the latin american nations with CnP stuff from spain and portugal.

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Dude, stop making value judgements about the facts. No one is judging here, I’m just talking facts.

The only reason Gaijin gave for the UK to host India and South Africa was their cultural ties (in a excolonial context). Stop giving your opinion and talk about facts.
Nobody here is discussing preferences.

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The point is, to my understanding, that it would be nice to see more spanish vehicles, not a whole tech tree, dont get ahead of yourselves.
Spain may not have many vehicles that are severely spanish however it would be fine to sprincle a couple into the game, for example:
C101: jet trainer used as a light attack aircraft by Chile.
HA200/220: firts gen attack aircraft used in a war againt Morroco.

HA300: prototipe interceptor jet for Egipt designed by Spain.

EF2000: the literal eurofighter.

HA1112: Spanish redesign of the Me109G with a santísimo ROLLS ROYCE MERLIN.

AV8S Matador: Designed for Spain by the US in the early days of the harrier and with several unique modifications and generations ending up turning into the AV8BII+ B+ witch is still in use to this day.

And also Spain produced and modified several aircraft with important changes:
Mirage F1EE: Spanish mirage with new armament and avionics.
Mirage F1M: Spanish mirage with latest modifications and antisea armament options, 90 stuff.

EF18A:Spanish variant of the F18A, upgraded several times.
EF18M: The most modern spanish F18, with upgraded sistems and avionics, modern day use.

SF5A/SF5M: firts is a single seat f5 however licence built by CASA and modified to spanish liking and the second is an even further modernised variant, twin seater and still in use.

YF-17: spain considered bothe the f16 and yf17, here is one in spanish markings.

Mirage IIIEE: Spain even considered adding canards to this mf cause the used it so much.
F4PhantomC: Spain has as much right to have it in the game as Israel, even more since the used it nearly too much.
ALso, a ton of Spanish designed prop aircraft, german modifications, local ideas, are avaiolable for lower ranks, and tanks well there are some solid designs too, no excuse.

Also, here are some usefull links for those that dont like to do a basic google search:

Disfutad vagos.


Spain never used the C-101 as an attack aircraft?

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No, afaik, only as trainer/acrobatic aircraft. Only export customers adopted the attack variants.


To the NATO force, our military has plenty of vehicles that should been added to War Thunder because of its variety.

Quiero decir, han añadido el Eurocopter español como un vehículo premium, otra vez, además le han puesto los misiles incorrectos, los Hellfire, los cuales España no ha comprado nunca para el Eurocopter, sino que usa los Spike. Hay millones de fuentes que certifican esto, pero a Gaijin le importa un rábano. Otra excusa más para implementar algo español por pura conveniencia.

Tu de verdad crees que Gaijin va a leer todo eso? Le importamos un bledo. Ni siquiera han añadido correctamente nuestro Eurocopter.

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Except Thailand solves a massive problem that Japan had (little to no CAS), what would Spain solve? I’d love to see Spain in the game, but its not a priority compared to Thailand. Definitely more relevant than Oman though.