Why there is not a single Spanish vehicle?

Spain is the only country with a large military industry that isn’t represented in this game.

Some of the vehicles shown in the game are shared developments with Spain, and many others have been operated by Spain, but you have chosen not to put a single one with a Spanish flag.

The only one that has existed is the premium “VRCC Centauro”, which you have replaced with the Omani “Centauro RGO” (Everyone knows that Oman is a military power LMAO).
Then you have added the Thai-flagged “AV-8S MATADOR”, a plane bought by Thailand from Spain…

Spain could have a full tree if you wanted, but you don’t want it, you don’t want anything Spanish.

Is this some kind of gaijin hate towards Spain?
I’m seriously considering quitting this game


Definitely not, gaijin has no hate towards spain but there currently are no available trees for spain to go into. It would be nice to see spain come in with some other countries to have a pretty unique wheeled TT but rn gaijin needs to fix the TT’s they currently have. Isreal has no spaa, and only 3 air lines. Multiple nations are missing 14.0 jets and spaa at many BR’s and in general id rather see the current nations we have be fixed. Gaijin isnt against spain in the slightest but they just arent focused on them. With that same logic in mind does gaijin hate other one off nations? No, they just aren’t the current focus.

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They just added the Eurofighter in Germany, UK and Italy, forgetting that Spain is the fourth country that participated in the development, does Spain not deserve to have a Eurofighter in some of the trees of those countries?
The point is that Spain does not have a single vehicle, the only one they had was retired, they are too busy fixing problems but they have time to retire the only Spanish vehicle.

Gaijin could add Spanish flagged aircraft like the AV-8s, Eurofighter, Mirage F1, F4-Phantom and F-18 (when introduced), and tanks like Leopard 1 and 2, Patton to mention a few.

Meanwhile, they have had time to represent countries that do not produce any vehicles of their own like Oman, Saudi Arabia, Austria, Cuba, Portugal (really?)…


That doesn’t really mean anything to gaijin, i dont expect my home country to be added when the US gets the striker ETS, even though we did most of the testing with the ETS. My pount is when gaijin is ready they will add our nations, just gotta keep waiting unfortunately

Spain + Latam?

ok, take all my money



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The hope I think is for a Spain + Portugal tree at some point which could include a partial LATAM tree as well. Would make a good addition to the current set of nations.

That being said, I suspect we’ll see a WARSAW pact TT first, as redfor could do with an additional TT


Modern Spain has a robust defense industry, producing systems like the Leopard 2E, Pizarro IFV, and participating in the Eurofighter Typhoon and FCAS programs. Moreover, Spain’s historical designs, such as the Hispano Aviación HA-1112 and collaborative projects like the AMX-30E, provide ample material for the game. Gaijin has included nations with less independent military history, making Spain’s absence a missed opportunity to enrich the game with unique vehicles and scenarios.


The fact that Gaijin has not added the Leopard 2A6EX opens the possibility that this variant is reserved for Spain, since the 2E is a local version of the 2A6EX with minor modifications.

There are many possibilities, I doubt gaijin would take any, they have been able to do it many times before

together with 166 other Nations, some of which are Major military powers, Spain is not currently implemented into Warthunder and thus didn’t get any vehicles

I think Spain has been more relevant than many of those 166 countries, especially more than Oman or Thailand.


feel free to suggest Spain tech tree in the Suggestions tab

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There was the VRCC as a premium.

Spain didn’t really produce a lot of its own unique vehicles or even make notable modifications of foreign imported vehicles until relatively recently. At least not anything that would fit into the meta. Like seriously, other than the ASCOD and VEC-M1, what could Spain add to the game that would be unique? It would just be a way to insert niche variants like the CV35 lanciaflamme and a couple low tier german and Russian tanks and mid tier American stuff into the Italian tree. After the Civil war the francoist regime mostly just relied upon American arms imports.

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I don’t understand why the hell you are defending Gaijin’s way of acting.
I know perfectly well what vehicles Spain has, which ones are bought, which ones are improved versions, and which ones are their own.
I’m not asking for a complete Spanish branch, I’m saying that it doesn’t make sense that there isn’t a single Spanish vehicle while there are vehicles from countries with similar characteristics.
The “AV-8S Matador” was bought by Spain from the USA, it is still being operated, but in the game it is Thai, but Thailand doesn’t operate it

The VRCC is an Italian vehicle bought by Spain with adaptations to the Spanish territory, why have they replaced it with the one from Oman?

Stop defending Gaijin for absurd movements

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You can add to the discussion here:

I actually also dont understand the absence of Spanish vehicles…between the Spanish CIvil war and modern vehicles i actually believed that there would be some spanish vehicle somewhere…
Hell…even Portugal has one :) (Fiat G91 version)

I am guessing the logical first step would be vehicles in the Italian tree…considering that there should be lots of Spanish players (i would guess more than Omani or Thai), i really don’t see the reasoning…somebody simply forgot?


VRCC is in the game, although it’s currently not available for purchase.

another copy paste tree
let gaijin add some county with better military relevance on original designs


I dont think spain merits a tree…but some more vehicles makes sense…at the very least some “cammos” on vehicles they used a lot…like the aforementioned AV8 or several german/italian/russian vehicles from the civil war.

That said…not many countries with “military relevance” left i guess…

Not sure, but there absolutely could be loads: Greco-Iberian Ground Forces Tech Tree

Hungary being Italy’s subtree seems to rule out a proper Spanish subtree for them which might make a standalone tree more likely, because Spanish vehicles can’t really go elsewhere.