Why the russina have all the fun?

You mean stock-grind stats. Where I played the SMT as a bomber for 42 matches.
Sorry that you crashed out.

You mean where the game lost packets and I hit a tree, and another where my team evaporated instantly.
All in a stock jet.
You should see my F-15E stock grind stats, it’s still present.

First text was " Why Russians have all fun" . Yeah that was it : )
Second text was something like " What your favorite sausage "

and the quality just continued throughout : )


Do you even know how it feels to play as the USSR? Do you know how painful it is to face all the rats and the 99% of HE launchers? Do you know how it feels to get uptiered in the KV-1 ZiS, facing Tigers and Panthers that you can’t even penetrate? Do you know how it feels to get slammed by the Pz. IV with its 75mm gun that has 140mm penetration? Historically, it was built in 1942—it should have always been 5.7, but no, it’s at 3.7.

The Germans don’t even acknowledge the repeated favoritism towards them by Gaijin. Not to mention other nations having your vehicles with modifications that make them better at the same BR (Finnish KV-1, Chinese T-34, and others). And let’s not even talk about 6.7 and the IS-2 (1944), or how Gaijin, for no reason, removed the APHE shell from the KV-2.

Or the IS-3 facing 8.3, where it is completely useless. Not to mention that the USSR has only been getting premiums and SPAA for months, and even then, the SPAA serves zero purpose.

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I agree.

My “most enjoyable nations” go:

  1. Sweden
  2. France
  3. USA
  4. Germany
  5. Britain
  6. Italy
  7. Russia
  8. China
  9. Israel

I largely stopped playing Russian and Italian vehicles if I can help it, some (not all) are over br’d around the 9.0-10.0 region and are hell to use.

As for top tier. It’s been shown the fastest reload gives you better survival chances. That’s why the TKX and Fuji are so popular.
And the stuck reload of 6.5 secs or 7.1 secs makes it unbearable when your doomed after your first shot, if you can even get it off in time.


Italy > Russia

Leo2a7HU is veryyy veryyy nice. Can survive many many hits and deal lots of damage with a shorter reload than the T-72s or T-80s


russia is fine rn in that the russian top tier jets are still very much capable of carrying lobbies when flown by capable people, as are most top tier jets.

For what…? CAS?

Brimstones seem to be outperforming KH-38s at this rate.

Delusional USSR main type response

That’s just disrespectful… maybe it’s because it’s lower SP cost, but the planes with brimstones seem to be more prevalent and when I see one in the kill feed, it scores between 5-7 on average.

Meanwhile the Su-34 does also score kills, for being a “vastly better” agm, they usually score 4-6 kills.

Don’t gaslight the man, he has a point though his post attributed the wrong thing.

Brimstone players learned a skill that allows them to be more lethal than IR F&F AGM players, which is true.

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Don’t all the nations take the prize for best/worse, fun or not much fun as the BR rises in the game? France,Japan, Italy all have the moments to shine or not.

Russia is great up to around 5BR but not being on level ground sure is a problem though and its one you really notice when you take a break from Russia and go back to it. Stalinuim is only something you notice when you play against Russia and not when you are in a Russian tank : )

Every nation has a pesky something at some point : )


You are the only person that gaslights on this forum to my knowledge.

Accusations that people are “delusional” or otherwise mentally unwell is the only gaslighting that occurs on the forum.
I’ve exclusively said everyone on the forum is valid.

I wish I could have read this before it got flagged, to see had dumb it was.

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Think every nation should have the same stats for 1 vehicle in every BR.

That removes gameplay style and gameplay diversity, that’s a horrid idea.

This is an obvious ‘Tell me you’ve never played Russia w/o telling me you played Russian vehicles moment’

No it would end the fight

There is no fight. If you think Russian vehicles are so broken, go play them for yourself.


I don’t want to sound patronizing but you will come to a point where you don’t care anymore. Everything about this game can be frustrating at some point. You really need to play many nations at every tier to truly get the big picture of this game.
It is hard to start with. Play as Russia and fly that pesky plane and have some fun with it : )


Me in my BF109 B-1 will make the I16 cry

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