Why the Removal of the R2Y2’s from War Thunder is a Mistake

Given the Penguin missile has been implemented, I think it’s high time an early XF-2A with GCS-1 and GCS-2 is implemented in its stead. This also means the ASM series is more feasible.

This will also enable the F-1/T-2/(F-4EJ?/F-4EJ Kai?) to perform more effective CAS, since they also used such systems.

This would be a net-benefit for the Japanese tree.


Not-real plane = Not in game, it has no place, as it didn’t even exist in the slightest, compared to the Kikka, which existed, but not ever equipped with the 30mm cannons, or any for that matter.

Partially or fully constructed but not weaponized can be added, this didn’t exist at all.


Only the ASM-2 would really work. The ASM-1 wouldn’t work in GRB due to its obsolescent ARH seeker that’s specifically for targeting ships (non-millimeter)


Btw if y’all enjoy researching Japanese/Asian military vehicles, you should join our discord/squadron that @Rowiek is a part of


You’re absolutely right, we should add the historical R2Y1 instead and also add a reconnaissance or scouting feature for planes. ))))


So ASM-2/2B. An upgrade for sure.

What about ASM-3/3A/3 Kai?

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Can’t be used against regular ground as well - Its seeker may have an ARM mode for SEAD but thats subject for more research.


If its paper than cya later!

Honest question: what exactly is the issue with paper vehicles anyway? Like WT is a game, is it not? Since WT is a game, should it matter if something was never fully built? If it’s a data issue, then numbers and data can be reasonably calculated and figured relatively quickly. That has just always been my thought process, so I don’t see the issue with paper vehicles as long as they’re fully designed


i just don’t like the idea of fake tanks and planes in war thunder because you will have more people ask for fake stuff then the game will become world of tanks at one point.


Yeah, that’s totally fair. Frankly, on second thought, I would prefer more incomplete stuff over full-on paper things.


Gaijin acts like paper vehicles are such a massive issue, yet these paper vehicles are still allowed to be used in realistic and sim battles.

Like, either go all the way and:
A) make these vehicles as realistic as possible and keep them available to everyone
B) limit them to only being allowed in arcade and custom battles.

And let’s not forget about the F-16AJ and the Ho-Ris being allowed to stay.


Speaking of those, they should absolutely remodel the current ones to be more accurate to the Ho-Ri’s that were allegedly partially built (ie what’s usually referred to as the Ho-Ri II)


It would sure be nice to see them put in the effort to make the Ho-Ri as real as possible, but they also had the chance to do that for the Panther II, yet that never happened either…

Its odd “Removing” it from the game but still allowing who ever ground it out to still have it. Why not just remove it for people who don’t want to grind it? its still in the game just not for future players, I always thought removing vehicles just out of authenticity was a odd decision. (More fomo I guess)


Exaclty! It had less hard points (only 5 and idk could it take bomb under fuselage) so it probably would have only 4-5 bombs without any weapon with it but it has much better flight performance thanks to 25% better engine thrust and 25% bigger wing area


Totally yes but I would say that now the late F-2 is needed because it is already worse than F-15E, Rafale, EFT

F-1 (FS-T2 Kak) only tested ASM-2 but probably it can be added. T-2 and F-4EJ (not Kai) can’t use ASM-2. F-2 and F-4EJ Kai 100% can do it

You got correct answer but I would add that ASM-3 has GPS navigation so it is probably possible to add it into WT like JDAM with GPS navigation only
3 M speed missile would be useful


A small question: If we removed a CAS plane, should it be considered in the discussion and balance of GRB battles?
That makes old players a advantage that new players can’t have forever, like FlakPz 341 and Ostwind II, which the latter have higher BR and can’t into some presets.
In my opinion, they should work like Maus(and so do Tiger II 105, FlakPz 341 and Panther II), give them back at least once a year, or like someone said only allow them into AB and Custom Battles.

Another question: Do you think Sweden T-80U, Mi-28 and Apache are fake vehicles?

Honestly its gaijin they don’t wanna piss off the people that have those tanks by fully removing them but then shoot themselves in the foot by pissing off the rest of us. I HATE!!! when they randomly remove “paper” vehicles. I’d rather they go welp this game already isn’t very realistic lets ask the players if paper vehicles are okay.

It’s been in the game for 11 years that would be the longest FOMO I have ever seen.

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