Why the Removal of the R2Y2’s from War Thunder is a Mistake

Which isn’t Gaijin neglect, especially since they’re working on a solution no other developer has done before to allow for Japan to have a SPAA without a radar on the vehicle.

Yes, F-15s, except F-15E, are currently OP due to being under-BR’d.

And no, F-15E/JM/C/BazM/I are not being outperformed by the other 14.0s.
And yes, Japan does have a 14.0, it’s just currently under-BR’d by being 13.7 instead.

Hey man, I’m not against the addition of paper stuff but I do like guidelines being followed and dislike almost entirely fabricated vehicles. This was the expected outcome of those guidelines. We all saw it coming.

The R2Y2 is not a historically important aircraft either. Very few people even know the R2Y1 existed too. It’s not like they’re losing something historically impactful. They had zero influence on Japan’s aviation history. They’re less than a footnote. The V2 and V3 representations we see in game were taken directly from Japanese Secret Projects Experimental Aircraft 1939-1945 by Edwin M. Dyer III. All the way down to the camo. The book states that the V2 was plausible to have been a real design but, at the same time, states that V3, alongside a V4 we don’t see in-game, could very well have been post-war speculations.

I also just don’t care about the whole “copypaste” crap. Based on Gaijin’s current guidelines, I’d take the copypaste over something that did not exist almost at all. Now, if Gaijin opened up their guidelines to include outright paper vehicles, my opinion would change.

Just give me the two T.55 Vampire trainer configs or some Thai jet.

Make sure y’all start making your peace with the Ho-Ris too. They’re for sure next on the chopping block. In however many years that is.

Hell, I would take JASDF T-33As, T-1s (without sidewinders but with gunpods), and maybe a prem/sqn T.55.

Lower BR than their equivalents (P-80/F-86A) due to their weaker armament, but balanced by better performance. These would also be noteworthy as being the first few jets Japan fielded/designed/evaluated post-war.

The T-1 with sidewinders could be at a slightly higher and more appropriate BR.


I have hope. Indonesia isn’t very controversial, fills most roles left that Thailand can’t fill by 2026 and fits the two subtrees others got (South Africa and India, Hungary and Romania, Netherlands and Belgium and possibly Finland and Norway if they make the latter official)

Indonesia is pretty likely to be the next step forward, and a single addition like the Hawk alongside an official confirmation to replace the R2Y2s actually seems more likely than a full second subtree update, similar to how India or Romania just had their vehicles added one by one with a random confirmation thrown in.

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So what you’re saying is that there isn’t anything now, and it is indeed neglected, much like isreal. Thanks for agreeing with me.

So your post claims that active development = neglect.
Which means your post is claiming all 10 tech trees are neglected… This is why you should proof-read posts, or at least edit them when spotting errors.

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Given the state of the R2Y2’s anyway, there removal is insignificant as the Kikka was already better at a lower BR. However, I hate the current implementation of sub-trees in War Thunder and without Japan does seem rather lackluster for CAS aircraft. The Vampire, also with a current BR of 8.0, could be an easy addation to fill the R2Y2 void?

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Britain of course via Britain as well as Australia, Canada, India and South Africa (let alone any other non-represented country)
Sweden via Finland
Japan via Malaysia or Indonesia
Germany via Switzerland

Quite a few middle-eastern countries also use/used it, so could end up coming to Israel as well, if they ever get a local nation as a sub-TT

Its a long overdue aircraft and is perfect for so many nations


If we really need to, the T.55 Vampire can be split into two vehicles due to how its cannons work. By default, the T.55 has 4 hispanos, however, in order to seat two pilots, it needs to drop 2 of its 4 hispanos. The doesn’t effect any of its other suspended weaponry.

I know people would generally prefer this sort of thing to be a modification, however, I think it makes sense to split them into two separate aircraft for Japan’s case.

An interesting possibility, but nothing confirms (according to the Japanese) the existence of the Suzuka-24, the J8M2 was not created, and what the hell is the G8M1? “G” are attack planes (land bombers). The T-2 CCV is unarmed

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The XT-4 is a bit of a hard suggestion to make, seeing as it was only given a single 7.62mm gunpod.
I’m also unsure if the J8M2 was constructed.
The T-2 CCV while cool, had its gunport faired over, you can see photos of it in its current state. I’m not sure if the hardpoints were retained though.

The XP-1 should lose the “X” designation, seeing as it’s been in service for years now.

The JMSDF also used the P2V-7, and in lower BRs, the S2F and TBM-3S.

Overall, this seems like a nice set of suggestions!

As Smin said that Yak-141 got all weapon which was planned, the XT-4 had the bomb and rocket mods on HUD which also had the CCIP capability
Also the bomb load was planned on early versions of plane and because of gun pod was tested it can be clearly see that XT-4 could you weapon such as bomb and rockets but not the guided weapon according to FCS mods


@Rowiek To respond to your ping from this earlier; I am not fundamentally against the removal of ahistorical or paper content (at least for now) as long as there is at least an equivalent replacement, which the Thai F-84G-21-RE is not in my view.
(From here on I speak as the head of the JP / ASEAN / SK Research Group)
It was not a bad choice in principle, but this is deliberate C&P, with ASEAN countries - including Thailand and Japan itself - offering something better. Examples of this would be the Hawk Mk.53, OA-37B, IL-28T and MB-339A, while Japan itself has the T.55, T-33A and T-1B.
In principle I would say it is better to wait a few updates longer and get quality and new content, rather than the same thing for almost literally the tenth time. This better content also helps a small TT like Japan to gain new players and fans, which theoretically also leads to more sales of premiums, which would be a small positive side effect, but whatever.
As for the F-16AJ; it is a mystery why they even brought it into the game when there are enough real alternatives in the ASEAN region that would very likely have been received much better and more positively than the F-16AJ, which from many people’s point of view is still one of the most unhistorical (in terms of what the F-16AJ would have actually looked like IRL, compared to what was implemented) and controversial additions to the game - this addition still causes a lot of, mainly negative, discussion to this day - which unfortunately always raises the question of why they didn’t bring an early (X)F-2A variant or even F-16A ADF or F-16A OCU from the ASEAN region into the game.


but they shouldn’t remove it tho its pretty much like the Germany counter part in a way the Ar-234C3 tho and doesn’t make since to remove the jet now because its the only aircraft Japan really has to attack ground at its br tho

In addition, I’m desperately hoping Gaijin fixes the Ki-102 otsu and gives us the Ki-93 so we can have better CAS at lower tiers too.


Ah, now that you mention it, I do recall seeing images of that HUD floating around.

So it would be functionally similar armament-wise and BR-wise to the first Alpha Jet in the tree?


Tbf, the R2Y2s are so similar that replacing them with a single vehicle is fine by me. I would certainly like to see the Hawk. I also want the Malaysian MB-339A, but it seems Malaysia is controversial solely because of the Su-30 MKM lol


From what I have gathered from my limited search for information on the aircraft the R2Y2 was a proposed armed jet variant of the R2Y. It never went past proposal because the war ended.

The R2Y was a strictly unarmed reconnaissance aircraft so doesn’t have a real place in WT.

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Can go to so many nations with many different versions. For Britain alone we could see it added in 3/4 variations. T.1 as an Alpha Jet equivalent, 100 with 9L/Skyflash, 200 early with 9M/AMRAAM, and 200 late with AMRAAM/ASRAAM.

Could also add a version to the US, the T-45 Goshawk. Would be the same as the T.1 and Alpha Jets with rockets and dumb bombs.

The Hawk could be a great gap filler for many nations it’s absurd that Gaijin has yet to make use of that opportunity given their affection for C&P.

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