Why the Removal of the R2Y2’s from War Thunder is a Mistake

Yes it’s a game of fiction which is why your prior comparisons don’t work.

Gaijins stance hasn’t t changed and fictional vehicles will not last longer than necessary and hence the R2Y2 removal was to be expected.

If you can read what I’m saying for once can you just read that last sentence.

They work fine mate. I’m saying ,don’t take it all so seriously and you might have more fun.It’s something I had to do.Even then I have to be in the mood.

Gaijins stance needs to change on many things.I don’t take any comfort from Gaijins stance generally.Are they going to take the Chi to late out and other dubious examples?

I understand you I just don’t agree .

What are you trying to sell me? War Thunder as a realistic historical war game with correct vehicles fighting correct enemies on an era related map or the semi fictional paper game of fantasy battles with multi nations and tanks 40 years apart in time and tech?

Like I very clearly said .War thunder is paper planes on a paper game.
If Gaijin want to make a realistic game then they need to do a lot more than scrap a couple of fictional gap fillers.

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The thing is there is a need for vehicles that we have actual sources and performance statistics as otherwise we may as well have the Ratte.


Better check out the old forum, you won’t find anything older on here.

I remember the T-1 series, T-33 and Vampire T55 all being suggested there, as well as more maritime patrol aircraft. XT-4 was also thrown around, but I’m not sure if there was a suggestion for it.

Would be nice to see more replacements than just the one F-84G next update.
I actually liked the F-84 as a useful addition and historically relevant plane (being Thailands first jet), as well as the only Thai plane added without any missing capability until the SB2C-5 in the Battle Pass, but still it’s an aircraft found in multiple trees, now meant to replace three unique aircraft that are at a higher BR.

It is arguably the best replacement individually, everything else (including Japanese, Thai and even other ASEAN options) either falling above or below R2Y2 BRs, but since it was added alone it still just feels like a “bare minimum”, which is never good in exchange for a loss.

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None of those would be 7.7 - 8.7 in BR.
P-1 was the only one I found that would be around the R2Y2’s BRs, as well as be better in ground RB.

It’s a game with historical vehicles which fight in ahistorical battles.


All battles in all video games are ahistorical cause no one likes reenacting battles.

My point exactly,its a mess anyway so who cares? I don’t even think many of the player base even know or care what or when a vehicle even was.Its just point and shoot.

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If you acknowledge it’s historical vehicles fighting ahistorical battles wtf are complaining about. The R2Y2 isn’t a historical vehicle cause it was never made. It was put in as a temporary compromise cause at the time gaijin needed an attacker for the Japanese line. Now they have a better solution and it’s no longer needed.


Everybody has pretty much given up on any sense of history in this game after we have all tried so hard.

It was hardly temporary given how many years it went on for.
There may of been a time in this game when it all mattered but I think we are mostly past caring now.Which is a shame.
Given the recent introductions of post war stuff in WW2 and the silly new maps,what does it matter any more if the tanks are real of a stretch of the imagination? If they a have a better solution OK but the OP and youtube are saying it will be gaps or just copy paste which is just as bad or worse in actual game play terms.

You really need to start challenging the stupidity of this game in terms of its muddled attitude to history and reality.Lets all decide if we are doing history or fiction,not sit somewhere between the two and confuse and annoy the hell out of everybody.

They only person who seems confused about this decision is you.

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I dont know why you are getting so upset about it ,its far from a serious game now

Yep, like I said:

“It is arguably the best replacement individually, everything else (including Japanese, Thai and even other ASEAN options) either falling above or below R2Y2 BRs”

Maybe I could see an XT-4 or Indonesian Hawk 53 at 8.0-8-3, but apart from that they’d either be <7.7 or 8.7+

Fair, but I’m not really sure on it. It isn’t really something I’d put at rank 5 even in air RB, seems more like a rank 6 plane. But even then, a maritime patrol line would be nice with P-2J, P-3C and P-1

Generally I’d just want anything to be added at rank 5 in the techtree, same update as the R2Y2s are removed. Ideally two planes, so it’ll be a 1:1 exchange in numbers (when counting the F-84G).


P-1 a bomber with AGM-65s, which is a chronic 8.0 in air RB due to its speed and armament, and depending on the AGM-65 8.7 - 9.7 GRB.

T-4 doesn’t have weapons flat out, and even if you argued bombs that’d be ~6.0 [I wish I was joking].
And I’m unaware of any HAWK that isn’t AIM-9 compatible, let alone <AIM-9L compatible, so they’re all a minimum of 10.x in BR, and 8.7 if evidence is found of no AIM-9s period.

P-2J is ~6.7 in BR at most.
P-3 is a potential I forgot about cause P-1 caught my attention, but also one of those things that both required separate ground BRs and extra research cause it’s a weird bomber.

Fair, really depends on what they do with the SSMs though, since they should have IOG and GPS. With 8 of them I can very much see it at ~8.7-9.0 in ARB too, so rank 6.

While it wasn’t on the production version, the XT-4 is capable of carrying comparable loadouts to the Alpha Jet in dumb bombs and rockets, and a centerline 7.62mm gunpod, while also offering better flight performance. No dual pylons though, and the lacking guns would probably push it down to 8.0-8.3

Indonesian Hawk 53 used the 30mm gunpod, dumb bombs and rockets, but no AIM-9s. Considering it’d be needed most at rank 5 there’s no need to add hypothetical armament to it.

You are a special kind of “special” arent you? You are the one defending Gaijin the entire time you have been posting here, all the while flagging everyone’s responses to you so they get removed.
You keep flipping back and forth more than a narcissistic gold digging woman with a choice of 2 equally rich guys.

Gaijin added the planes even though they knew full well they werent historical.
The planes have been in play for half a decade at this point, there is no point to removing them when the tech tree is already lacking at that rank.
So for gaijin to all of a sudden care about historical accuracy just goes to show they are as stupid as you. If they cared at all they never wouldve added the planes in the first place.

Edited to make Alvis happy since he keeps flagging all my responses to him.

Looks like the F84G was added in the 1.77 update back in 2018. If it was meant to be a replacement they would have removed the R2 planes then.

Stop being Anti player

Well, Gaijin always

For their standards. you know…

Anyway, Even though I support the removal of R2Y2 from the game
I came here for correct few tiny things.

Back in 2018, Gaijin may never considered adding Thailand subtree into Japan.
because Thailand isn’t Japan.
Maybe that is the reason why eliminating R2Y2 took too long.

Then Gaijin flipped their standard again as always, and decided to add Thailand subtree into Japan tree.
Finally, R2Y2 was decided to get removed at that moment. :/

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Keep defending Gaijin’s adding R2Y2s to begin with. I criticized them and now things move forward.

F-84G was added December of 2024:

Yes. Thailand F-84G was added in December 2024.

He was talking about ‘American’ F-84G. which was added on [Update 1.77 Advancing Strom.]


The earliest F-84G implemented in-game was the Italian one which was added on Update 1.69

and update 1.69 was in May 2017.