Why so Many Team Kills now at high level since patch drop

since the patch dropped I have Been TK at the start of the match at least 12 times.
Some player named visonary_future killed at least 3 of us on start up. I reported him, but this takes away and sense of realism and fun. I mean why is this happening and what are you supposed to do?

The biggest thing I could think of why it is happening is with the update came a lot of new top tier jets for new players to buy and they think it’s cool and fun to ram and shoot their allies. All you can do is report them with the in game report function. And if you see it, don’t tk them because then your no better than they are, you just have a “justified” reason to do it now, but are really no better than them.

thanks BillyBob, you are right, but it really takes away so much from the game and you can’t even consider WT to be serious, as K/D doesn’t even matter. They should not allow TK for 1st 2 minutes of the game.

The issue with preventing them doing it, is they don’t do it… They should be chased up and held accountable.

I’m having constant matches where people are telling me to unalive myself just because I get them in a fashion they dislike, which to be honest, we don’t need these sorts of players in our midsts…



Sorry, but I don’t normally get that said to me, so I felt a little proud of myself ☺️

Yeah it really sucks but like I said and you know it’s very limited on what you can do about it. And don’t worry about K/D. Only sweats and little kids care about them and will try using them against you.

At least not be able to ram

that is a good point flyingdoctor, they just ruin the match for both teams and they get away with it for the most part. I just don’t get why. it just a game, but they make the game into something that can’t be considered serious.