Why people are so rude?

you cant bring your own aircraft to arcade…but you can still get godmode using the m109

Dude, this isn’t a ground battles thread… so you will be shocked, but id did talk about Arcade Air Battles and the general idea of 20k Godmode rewards being lucrative in a single match as it increases your rewards at least 10%.

the ultimate troll is ammo racking an m103 with a single shot from an M2 2nd :) ( yes there is a small square on the back of the turret on the right side (from rear view) that the m22 can penetrate and hit the ammo)

I’m sorry, what’s the fun there ?

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Agreed. If your own team is doing it then thats not good, its directly harmful and shouldnt be allowed. If its the enemy team shooting you then its fine, however.

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No, low tier tanks can be useful tools for backup or fill up a line up. And I do not bring it more than 6.7. I once got 6 kills with BT-5 at 6.0 and it is by no means useless. So I am justifying it, as long as it is a useful asset. It is also fun to get god mode reward. Why are you close minded and not open to others opinion?

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There’s a difference between a Bt-5 at 6.0 or a Puma at 8.0 and an M22/L3 at 11.7.

If you can be effective, it is fine to uptier tanks like that. If you want to troll and be useless, go to a custom battle.

I mean you can have fun, but don’t expect people to be different to you. If you bring low tier vehicle to top tier your teammates will be mad at you cuz u probably won’t do anything and automatically lower your chances to win. If I’m in my team at top tier and see locust or puma, I do not hesitate to shoot it cuz he can atleast mark my position to his teammates. So yeah, in my oppinion no matter what u bring to top tier, everyone should play against you like in top tier.

Yup, I expect myself to be the same asset of my team in terms of value wise. Thinking like that also helps me play more careful/thoughtfully when driving low tier tanks in higher tier battles.

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Griefing others by weakening the team.

It’s more of the case that people in the game are incredibly competitive. However on the forums that’s mainly due to all of us having our own ideas, in different categories of the type of War Thunder Players, some being moderately confusing to comprehend or outright crass.

Damn, dudes here really coping and defending bringing reserve tanks into top tier battles

Average IQ warthunder player moment

Dawg what? You quoted E and said L+Skill ratio. That makes zero sense.

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I honestly have no clue why it quoted that, I didn’t even mean to respond to you.

Oh ok. I thought it was some sort of stupid Rush E joke for a second. My b bro.

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Oh no I was just making a funny remark about the OP and the name of the post.
Np man, this forum base is jank, and it’s also why I prefer layouts like ThirdGen.org or the old forum

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I could go on for days about how I miss the old forums. Don’t get me started.

Anyway yeah fair point L+Skill Ratio for sure

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