Why Osa is so bad

Why the Osa is that bad, you can see shit with your radar, is missile are slow as my grandma, the dommage are useless, you can’t track down a jet plane if they try to move more than 1pixel or do barrel roll, you are so tall that con play a roleplay of the skyscrapper, why is the Osa at 10.3 and the guepard1A2 9.7 it’s almost fill that we take 1 br for each km of the missile, i’v already spade the italian one and the british and now try to spade the russian but i can’t take anymore of that stupid Osa Gaijin do something like delete this crap AA that have nosense to exist give them less xp need for spade it .


Because it does outrange most SPAA at that BR. Stormer HVM for example is barely hitting fixed wing aircraft 5km out. Most 10km+ range SPAA are above 11.0 with the exception being the 2S6 which should be 11.3.

The Gepard at 9.7 just has stingers which are horrifically nerfed at the moment and whilst they are better than the OSA for something closer to the battlefield, they really dont have that much range. 4-5km max, not really even enough to deal with most helis, the ZSU-23-4M4 has more powerful MANPADs at 9.3. If anything the Gepard is over-BRed

If the Strela didn’t exist at the same BR, you’d see more people enjoying the Osa. But alas, the Strela does exist.


I always forget about the Strela, yeah, that needs to move up too

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Yeah that right i can shoot before of your Stormer hmv but you know that hte CAS player have some jet with RWR and move just before my missile make 2km and go in low altitude and after that i’m done because of the angle of my missile luncher and even when you try to not use the radar lock my missile make the same ammount of smoke than a Space X rocket and the CAS player go low again…


Yea about the strela i’v done the italian and british one and is not what you thing with all that CAS player with AGM65B, drone and even heli is challenging because they are quite difficult to lock some time with ir missile AA .


and a other one the stinger are quit powerfull actualy i’v play the guépard 1A2 and even the stormer AD and make me want to cry, they are so powerfull that they can overpower the strela most of the time .

They have half the G pull they should have. The amount of stinger based systems that i’ve had just… miss what should have been a trivial shot, is rediculous.


That not a solution i want to spade all of my tank and i just have 2 Osa 1 srela and the HQ17, left to spade .

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What’s the reason of that? 2nd thermals? 4x30 mm cannons? In comparison with OSA it barely can hit even a UAV when the missile runs out of fuel. OSA is much better at shooting down jets, only struggles against helicopters and can’t shoot down Mavericks, etc.


Because most AAM carriers are bad in War Thunder, most of them actually, some like the ItO-90M you can at least have full control of the missile, when in the Osa-AKM you’re limited to a certain distance until the missile complete the full arc if you’re in need to shoot lower.


i dont know why this guy is complaining about the osa. imo the osa is absolutely great and fun to play. probably my favorite sam.


It has 12km missiles. Most 11.7 SPAA have a fraction of that range like the ADATS and Type 81

it has 2 cannons

Even the upgraded missiles tend to explode at around 8KM. I still love the 2S6 for those 30mm. Even without APDS, you just eat tanks with that pure rate of dakkadakka.

lol no.


i havent struggled against helicopters or against mavericks really. it is common for me to shoot down missiles in osa.

Yet ineffective, the IRST and Radar lock are so bad the missile swings and you can easily miss a target at long distances, the missiles are not easily controlled while locked into fast targets, and the 30 mm cannons are useless past 2.5 km.


yep you right that prove me that you can read but you don’t play right because the stinger can go almost the same amount of G in game i don’t count how many ozelot, Guépard1a2, Stormer AD, LAV AD have do better thant mine strela when i spade the italian one and the british.

9M311-M have 10 km range.

And what makes you think Osa can hit non-afk planes at that range ?

Not really as it’s missile turns into a piece of shit after 4km because motor burns out almost instantly.
You’ll have troubles hitting drones at 8-9km of range, let alone planes.

Osa has more range on-paper and even in game than 2S6 as it’s longer burning motor makes the missile much more controllable at 5km+ of range.

I wonder where did you get that from ?

It has 10km range.