its generally just a T-72B (1989) with a slightly better round (3BM46), which ive somehow gotten less kills with then the T-72A’s 3BM15 at 11.7. The other thing is, it has nearly identical armor values, that can get penned by genuinely any vehicle you face besides sub-caliber autoloaders, even then you can get shredded frontally by a lot of them. The T-80U-E1 needs to be moved to 11.3 or 10.7, because its literally a t-72 with a fancier name and camo nets. genuinely performance wise no different then a T-72A (from my expierence)
Horrible take.
It’s much more mobile with better reload speed and good thermals. This thing is basically better T-80U.
It literally is more armored than BVM except having Relikt and having just K5. And it have also composite on LFP making it much more survivable. Its best T-80 in the game.
thats the only thing going for it is the reload speed and thermals, the mobility isnt much different IMO, and does reload speed and thermals matter when your 1tapped by vehicles frontally 2 brs lower then you? No it doesnt. It is the most unsurvivable russian vehicle ive ever touched.
the hell are you on? the bvm is 10x more survivalable then the U-E1
unless they nerfed it, i havent touched it in forever
Mobility isn’t something you have an opinion on, it’s purely black and white.
It’s faster both in max forward/backward speeds and has much better HP/t.
Every 12.0 can be frontally penned, what’s your point ?
Thermals help a lot with target acquisition and reload helps as well considering this is a 16v16 game mode.
Also, it has much better horizontal gun traverse speed, making you aim much faster.
It’s a better T-80U, OP you are buggin
The issue is, you get frontally penned by E V E R Y T H I N G you fight in the T-80U-E1. Ive never had a round bounce or no pen a frontal shot on me besides 3 times against 8.0 vehicles. The issue is, you fight things like Leopard 2A7s, which have like 700mm on the turret cheeks, and hitting the LFP is very unreliable (personal expierence, shot him LFP 8 times no pen with 3BM46) along with things like the challenger 2, which LFP is also very unreliable, same with driver hatch. The majority of the vehicles you face in the T-80U-E1 outclasses you in genuinely everything, armor, firepower, mobility, etc.
It really isn’t, much of the protection you see with the BVM comes from the ERA alone, but the moment that’s gone it’s an utter joke as you have the turret armor still of a T-80B, and the UFP has the same amount of protection as the T-80U, though you don’t have that composite armor covering the LFP. This is also not to mention it’s easier to go through the turret roof of the BVM than the T-80U.
You haven’t touched it forever but you’re acting like you know everything about it??? The T80-U-E1 is a menace, the BVM itself is simply broken, but not really better even still. if anything the BVM needs to move up in BR. Add on top Russian top tier bias, a much bigger and more varied top-tier lineup than other countries means Russia can steamroll by literally just spawning vehicle after vehicle. Im sorry but the Russian tree needs NO buffs, it needs nerfs.
If the T-80 can move down to 10.7 then can the challenger 2s move down to 10.7 as well. Along with the Ariete and the Merkavas?
decompression, what is it good for
K5 on the UFP can stop many top tier rounds.
That’s actually funny.
I can’t agree with you, it’s a genuinely decent 11.7 vehicle. Claiming it should move down to 10.7 is hilarious.
what do you mean dude
3bm46 can pen anything frontally and weakspot
it has faster reload speed, faster forward and reverse, gen 2 thermal, decent armor exclude weakspot
its generally better, better than the t-73b3 at the same br
bait post used to believe
A tank that has less armor, worse round, and worse targeting speed is somehow better?
The UE-1 is not bad by any means but it is not the best T-80 in the game.
One of the worst top tier tanks needs to move up… right.
It is more armored than BVM, and have composite on LFP which makes it also better protected. Sure the round is worse but 3BM46 is still round good enough to kill anything you meet. BVM is still T-80B turret once you shoot off the Relikt bags from side or front of turret.
You’re level 50 man, you have a lot to learn. Buying a top tier premium as a low level isn’t the best idea, speaking from experience.
Start working on your own skills before asking for a great MBT to move down.
sorry but the t80bvm is better than it in nearly every aspect.
BVM has Relikt on UFP which makes it much better against L/55 DM53, which is the round that can penetrate K5 UFPs.