Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

Ka52 just got it’s crystal clear thermals back. They reverted the change lol…


Its hopefully getting an overhauled damage model next major upadte which means it will no longer be able to tank hit after hit with minimal impact.

Though lets hope other nations get similar buffs then. Still waiting for TIALD to be modeled as Gen 2

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All the have to do is remove the demi-god buff pilots have in this game. The co-pilot in comparison has stage-10 cancer and dies by sneezing on him. Meanwhile the pilot gets to survive 150kg explosives


Yeah, that would do it. Once had a alouette take a 120mm straight through the cockpit headon and barely scratched it. Biggest issue with the Stormer is the Starstreaks can sometimes punch straight through a target without really doing major damage


Aim for engines always, rotor shaft preferably. Tail is viable only if it’s not kamovs ( I heard they fixed other helis that could still fly without a tail rotor.

Never shoot a ka52 at the radome or cockpit, I’ve survived way too much bullshit that way

When you fire at a heli and they immediately begin evading the shot because you can spot the starstreaks for a mile away with your eyes closed, just aiming to hit the target. Rarely get the luxuary of choosing where they will hit

I guess that’s a factor. Although I think the starstreak doesn’t trigger rwr, or it didn’t for a good while

They didnt trigger LWR for a while due to a “bug” but that being said. The Stormer has a low intensity laser and shouldnt be detected by most LWRs IRL. Unfortunately that is not a mechanic the devs model yet. So Stormer gets a major nerf on that front. Plus, as you have to manually guide them onto target, rather than it being automatic like it is IRL (plus you have stock grind with no TVD to deal with) so they gave each dart a 76mm tracer effect. Which makes them stand out like a sore thumb to anyone and everyone. Another major nerf.


Trust me you don’t want that, at least not as of now. I guarantee it will be so inaccurate and buggy it won’t hit a thing

Yeah, but they could do 2 things

  1. Give lead indicator like you have on radar SPAAGs. At least give some aid in knowing how much to lead by

  2. make the tracers only visible from the rear or something. So that they aren’t quite so instantaeously spottable cross map

Also would be nice if you could fire whilst moving. No reason why it shouldnt be able to

We also have time to impact countdowns for ARH, that would also be handy to have with the Starstreaks. Its hard to know whether you’ve phased through the target or just about to hit. Its really hard to judge the depth

(then of course the low intensity laser to be modeled)


Now you’ve crossed the line. Your asking for to much. Dare you make any Gaijin developer work for once and put effort into modeling vehicles properly.

Sorry, asking for missiles that dont phase through a target (just had some phase through an F-104 though ping was kinda high) is already pushing it a bit

Exactly. Your going to sit there like a good little boy and suffer in your shitty AA and your going to force yourself to like it.

Otherwise some drunk developer is going to have to take time out of his precious day and work on the game for once.(which they dont do regardless)

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Im actually finding the Stormer to be my favourite ground vehicle at the moment. You can start with some sneaky scouting and then deal with aircraft as they spawn. Just wish you could deal with recon drones

I have more fun is Stormer then challengers.

I like ruining CAS’s fun. I specifically try to snipe light tanks across the map with the Stormer so they come to forums and bitch about getting killed by starstreaks.

Recon drones are so annoying. You just have to sit there and stare at them while they fly around.


Had a thought on the stormer, born from my questionable ability to use it. Wouldn’t it make more sense to just have to paint a thing with the center of the sight and the missile work out the rubbish from that? It’d seem a bit more effective in the shorter ranges (3km or so). Or at least a toggle.

It seems pretty awful to use it at that range, at least in my hands. I enjoy it, but it feels eh against air targets and more decent against removing BMPs and light MBTs.

I am terrible with it though.

There is a simple thing they could do it make it work better.

They add LMM to it. Slower so it doesn’t have the constant desync issues PLUS it has a proxy warhead, which would have sooo much.

Mate at one point you could have 3-5 Mk.1 Apaches each with 4x StarStreaks so 16x cheap versions of ATGS up they would wipe all Light tanks and heavily damage or if they had a look-down position they would also delete M1A2 - Lep -2 - T-80’s didn’t matter, there was a pint about 2ish years ago where the game would be the enemy team was just left with SPAA because of it games lasted about 3-5min, I have a clip of a game somewhere on my hard drive where I had a GAME that lasted 2m 45.32sec due to the enemy team seeing 5 helis and just leaving the game was one of the funniest things I’ve seen in-game and I’ve seen alot

no way you saw all of the british mains in existence in one game.
The most ive seen is 3 (including me) and it hasn’t happened a lot

I saw 4x Ka-52s in a squad do that the other week and they took out far more than just light tanks