Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

I don’t know why you would want a laser guided hunk of beef but you do you.


I mean, if you look at the smaller font thing, it says it will fly you to the stars, you use laser guidence to aim at the star of your choice

Who wouldn’t want an automatic steak delivery system

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was the no given in a moment in the game where there was no fire and forget in any vehicle?

i think right now it could help with solving the starstreak problem

Remember, this is a british vehicle we’re talking about.

So I recently got the stormer and now I know the true amount of pain that this game can contain.

For anyone who doesn’t have it, the missiles don’t have a proxy fuse. Not really an issue by itself since the missile handles stupidly well except…

the missiles will constantly phase through moving air targets making it virtually useless in the aa role. Its so bad at aa that I have more tank kills than plane kills in it, lmao.

Honestly just give it the LMM. The starstreaks are so bad at this point. History has shown that they are very hard to fix and when they are fixed, they almost always break soon after.


Hi, i need your help guys
Please watch these videos and tell me how many G do you think it pulls, be serious about it

SITREP on hopium supply for stormer being fixed?

Realistically you’d think they’d make the LMM pull more G’s then the Starstreak

I mean its got roughly the same control surface area as Javelin and Blowpipe, it probably has stronger actuators but I cannot see it pulling more than 47G which Starstreak pulls.

Just because its newer doesn’t mean it has to have more G loading. With a proxy fuse LMM doesn’t needed to be as precise as Starstreak which is hit-to-kill. Ergo it wouldn’t need the high G loading of Starstreak.


I mean 30Gs would probably fit the bill.

I suppose it’d depend somewhat on the Rmin value?

up again

Rmin is known from their marketing at ~400m so follows the same “boost to speed then maneuver” as Starstreak, but I would ball park it at somewhere around 20-30G based on just the control surface size.

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It would be good to inform the maximum detection radius of the laser proximity fuse as well.

The Laser Proximity Sensor has a detection radius of 1 m and 3 m
selectable by the operator before launch to provide detonation
against all target types.



Nice find with the proxy fuze brochure, will add it if it gets denied/accepted

Get ready for another month of pending XD

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Yea, a week and im asking for its removal, then im adding the fuze source and another week

One a related note - has GJN explained why the ADATS has to be designated as a tank destroyer? It isn’t even that effective at killing tanks compared to some of the high tier soviet SPAA.


Air defence anti tank system

I know that’s what it stands for…but it’s primary purpose is Air defence. 50% of the name is “air defence”, so it’s literally up to GJN to decide what they want to designate it. Of course they designate it TD so that it screws with US/UK lineups.

They keep adding new Russian SPAA, and buffing it (strela is still broken at 10.0), without adding or fixing broken vehicles for other nations…