Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

Its nearly 2024 and still no fix, noone cares as it seems.

Another video:
Why i lose lock in a first place?
Against MIG it was skill issue, but all the others? Sterla teamkilling a SU25, so i doesnt get a kill. WT Playerbase in a nutshell. Against Hovering Heli? 2x phase trough. Quality Contol in its finest.


I’d bug report the IRST loosing lock (again) but honestly cannot see the point, this vehicle is f****d and gaijin will only ignore it. I’m just going to stick with 8.7 line ups from now on where locking an aircraft isn’t needed.


Well, ADATS also has IRT problems, so i think it is a common issue

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Has it been bug reported

Idk. I have not seen any

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All the missile systems do apparently. Which i didnt realise. Strela and Ozelot can still get kills though so i’m unconvinced.

That is because they use F&F missiles, they do not need to keep tracking the target. Things like Stormer are SALH LOSBR(i like to use that long term, it scares people) so they need to keep looking at the target, while Ozelot fires a IR missile(hehe, where datalink?), so it does not need to keep tracking.


Yeah fair enough. To defeat optical contrast you have to either run away so the missile can’t catch up or you go low and the tracker loses the lock.

Bug reports are a waste of time.

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Big advocate for all nations getting IR SAM’s.

Brits need the Stormer AD asap.

God I wish.

I sometimes play the strela, it’s freaking amazing. I would love an equivalent.

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I love playing the strela since it got the optical tracking.

Definitely outperforms the stingers, but given the brits don’t have an IR SAM slinger at the moment, I’d happily take stingers over nothing.

Oi, Gaijin bruv, where me Stormer AD, innit?



Basically I’m forced to go low and straight into any gun systems. Great. Wish I had that ability.

Hell even a Landy with a person stood ontop with Stingers would be acceptable for me lmao.

Does photocontrast lose track in clouds or nah? it should but does it?

I think we should get Sky Sabre/Land Ceptor. WIth normal CAMM it would be perfectly fine, it would not have search antenna after all. Ignore stats of the CAMM, they are totally fine.


not a clue.

nahhhhh CAMM would be insane

then again maybe we should get that on second thoughts.

Do i realy need to ass /s in that post, have i not made it clear enought?
On second thought… 8 20km effective range missiles, on a platform without search radar, so you need to keep lock to do DL. Would it be that bad? You will have to find targets by eye, and they will trigger rwr