Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

For me: the missile is much worse (Handling), loses lock more than before, Phasing out its the same.

Lost all my hope.

SU25 flying straigt, missed 4 times, then he killed me. Helis are better, but you cant lock them.
Killed a bomber somehow tho

Assessing the new missile dynamics is abit pointless until it can actually hit targets.

I know this is not the topic about it, but ADATS tracker fails to lock anything over 6km in a clear day

So far, its… not great.

I can’t tell you if it’s phasing, as it can’t hit anything in the first place.

The missiles handle absolutely horribly now and yeah I’m getting phase throughs even in test drive.
Utterly pathetic.


It is still phasing and the missiles aren’t great.

I’ll try to get a recording of it later, but it’s not fixed.

Yeah still phasing through in normal play, also had it phasing through some slowly moving helis in addition to it handling much worse than it did before because of this hilarious nerf they threw out.
Still 10.3 by the way.
Just delete it from the game for christ sake, it’s dead already.


Cool I’ve already updated the report that’s it’s impacting 2.33.0.X thanks everyone, sorry it’s still not working.


Do we need to find you a Starstreak shaped poking stick? So you can annoy the devs with it :P

Nah, what we need is to overload teh Stormer HVM shelf in the dark room known as



So they send someone to check what happend, simmilar to Cr2

I really need to make that “Britain vehicle Bug master list” dont I… :P

Im sorry to say this, but that unfortunately seems to be the case :(

I’d love a Starstreak for my office wall. Or a Skyflash.


I mean, it could happen!

If you get the star streak to a place where it’s fixed more than one major update, or it’s replaced with something that works, perhaps we can have a whip-round and get you one. 😂

Time to start a gofundme or you can all donate to my buymeacoffee account. Let’s make it happen hahaha


Trust me, if somehow you manage the stormer to work i would donate happily 😊

You know what, for Rank 6 and above yes you probably should for Ground. Air is a different matter

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Just played a few games, and it’s worse than it was before
(on the EU server with 29-31 ping):

Straight-flying planes:

  • If the plane comes toward me, the phase-through rate is 100%.
  • If the plane is flying away from me, there’s a medium - good chance to hit.

Planes flying sideways:

  • Even if I manage to aim well, the phase-through rate is still around 100%.

Against small helis:

  • Can’t hit them; darts just fly through.

Against bigger helis:

  • It’s a 50-50% chance to hit them.

It’s a huge disappointment, worse than ever. They said a fix was coming, but it seems like another lie.

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I just played a game and got 5 kills out of launching 7 missiles. I always aimed slightly in front and seemed to always get hits on targets. Missiles that missed were because they were side of and i didn’t lead enough.


Here is a server replay. I OPd a t72 (should not be happening) then tried to kill a SU25 and a MIG, all phased trough.