Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

good job, next update it will be 11.3


Then why oh why have they not added it. that entire 2.0 BR gap makes Britain hideous to play. If you run a say, 9.0/9.3 lineup (lordy knows why you’d do that if you’re using only British Vehilces) you’re stuck without any form of missile defence. Which means the moment anything with Guided weaponry shows up (ranging from Ayit to A-6E) there is nothing you can do except get under cover and hope they dont notice you.

Why? Cuz no

Because it has a union jack flag and not a south african flag.

Union Flag

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So both terms are valid :P

Yeah people have colloquially used Union Jack for so long that they’ve basically had to adopt it lol

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I thought it was only for ships it was called that

I have no idea to be honest. I’ve heard Union jack in reference to it most places. On Ships I thought it was the “white ensign”

This is the White Ensign:

The Union Jack referring to naval flags only was proven false by the Flag Institute in 2013 after doing some historical research.

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Yep, the flag usually found on ships. Or at least Royal navy vessels

Originally the term Union Jack was specifically for when it was flown on a vessel, yes.
But with the significance of the Royal Navy in British culture, it also worked its way into common language a long time ago. Union Jack just sounds better than Union Flag.

Apparently not?

Not mention that sounds… American civil war like for some reason :D

The White Ensign is if i remember correctly restricted to UK (as in, ones used by the Royal Navy, Fleet Auxiliaries, Royal Yachts if one existed, etc) vessels only. Civilians would use a Red Ensign.

And if memory serves at no point should you be flying a Union Flag at sea. At least not from my vague sailing knowledge anyway

Has anyone been able to test the phasing since the update went live?

I’ll give it a go at lunchtime, stupid work. :(

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I’m trying to test it, but it feels like they have nerfed the IR tracker. I can’t keep a lock on any planes once I launch a starstreak. Also really struggles to lock anything whilst there is a missile in the air.

Reports for the unreliable IRST are still opened so as annoying as that is, I’m mostly concerned with the phasing at the outset.

I had one long range hit on a mig21S, but it was basically stalled out ~6.5km away. Instant kill.

Aside from that the phasing is the exact same. 3 hits went straight through the front of a F-5C flying straight towards me.

Cheers I’ll update the report.