Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

I dunno man, the chally exists in the game to provide targets for Russian players at this point. They’ve already made the CR3 prototype worse than the leopard 2a7 in every quantifiable way in just a week of the dev server, and it was looking reasonably strong.

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I don’t understand how they think they are equal


Well, the AH should have trialed the LMM. It is not said anywhere, but it should have trialed them with Wildcats iirc, so when these heli start from the same pad/carrier the weapons are compatible

Out of curiosity, has anyone else managed to reproduce the phasing on the test drive?

I’ve managed it a few times, but the video above is the clearest I’ve got, the rest could possibly be argued as ambiguous.

I want to make dammed sure before I raise a bug report.

That reminds me, I also need to raise a report of the irst arrow things near the compass not updating and so not pointing to the aircraft.

I too have lustful thoughts about the lmm on the stormer.

will try

They don’t. Every man and his dog can see they are not equal. They will just say ‘but stats’ and that will be the end of the conversation.

I think whole thing is bugged too. Most of the time the missile phases through the target

Sadly (or not) i cant replicate it rn

Again as I’ve repeatedly stated when the Stormer gets LMM it’s going to be a better ADATS.

Passive IR search instead of radar
16 missiles over 8 (Individually reloadable)
Stabiliser (will allow for shoot on the move)

7km to 10km range

Unknown to me:
Warhead comparison (whether the HEAT is better or worse in the LMM compared to ADATS)
Speed comparison (again better or worse).
Whether the size would trigger MAW’s (I know Starstreaks are too small and the laser isn’t a high enough intensity)

LMM is dual purpose
warhead will be smaller but effect simmilar to the ADATS

Yeah but there’s still the TNT equivalent and penetration capacity. Also tandem charge is involved here

Neither have tandem iirc

I thought ADATS did, as its designed for Anti-tank work as well

(Air Defence Anti-Tank System)

So from a quick look about it’s half the speed of the ADATS. 11.3 is a number that I’m thinking of

im nearly sure MIM is a single warhead. Yea, it is a sigle warhead

After another quick rummage about the LMM is half the size and speed of the ADATS and about the weight of the warhead. It’s not the best missile but definitely a Br increase is going to happen. 10.7 or 11.0 is definitely where it’s going to go.

I’ll probably make a comparison thread at some point later this week

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Comparison post is up. Feel free to voice any criticisms


For the first fast read it is well made. Good job :)

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Just add a another folder’d stormer with the new missiles imo, I’d rather a 2nd spawn spaa than a modification

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How does the stormer with lmm compare to other spas at the same br in game?

I only have the strela, adats and stormer for unlocked missile spaa so struggle to compare.

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