Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

Either way just had a match where I had 10 of my 16 missiles phase through two different planes. First was a Mig 29 which was stalling out at one point and the missiles still went straight through. The other was a head on with a SU22 and they still went straight through from nose to tail and did nothing.

The vehicle is completely unusable at the moment.

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I wonder and i cant comperhend it, what causes this bug? Like seriously what causes a whole 3 things to lose colisons. And why not make a temporary fix by adding a near point blank proxy? Better that than unusable missile.

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Why not a temporary fix indeed.

I simply cannot imagine the russian team being left with no goddam spaa from 8.3 to 11.7 for what, six months?

I won’t say any more as if I truely spoke my mind, I’d be banned in a heartbeat.


Yeah its gone can’t find it
Maybe it got political
or maybe not

And here’s the coverup I was talking about.


Like i didn’t even say you were right and it gets flagged

I’ve been thinking. When the Stormer gets 100% fixed with all of the bells and whistles it’s lacking it will go up in br. Probably only to 11.0 or 11.3 but it will go up. This will leave a gap between the 8.3 Marksmen and the stormer HVM. They’re going to have to add the Stormer 30 or the Rooikat SAM to replace it. Is there any other alternatives or is that it? I wouldn’t mind the Warrior VERDI-2 but it does seem a little bit too capable.

That is a hard No, as it was a mock up. And they will add something. I can promise you, if they want they will find something to fill the gap.

They have the model for it. It would be a waste not to use it

Well, they do not accept mockups so as soon as they lerned that it was one they panicked and removed everything bout it

Rooikat ZA-HVM isn’t happening, the model was created before its status was fully understood. As such its been permanently set aside and won’t make it to the game.

Another game where the IRST just won’t lock onto things against clear sky within 5km. Extra ironic when all the top tier SAMs got their IRST ranges buffed earlier this year and Thales’ own brochure claims 10km+ detection ranges vs helicopters.

How is a vehicle allowed to remain at practically unusable levels of broken for the entirity of its time existing in game bar one patch? You never see issues like this with the big 3 that don’t get resolved within a week tops.

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Welcome to Britain


Couldn’t they just have a tracked Mobile rapier missile system in its place if it did go up in BR still has the same 7km range.

Add Martlet(LMM) to stormer. Problem solved


I’d rather a separate stormer with martlets, gives you a 2nd spaa vehicles to spawn at that BR if it’s folder’d at 50% it doesn’t matter too much for the grind and will be worth it imo.


A Stormer with Martlets would just be a better ADATS. 16 reloadable missiles with a stabiliser to allow for shoot on the move (when Gaijin realises it should happen). That would be a 12.0 vehicle.
I would just take a tracked Rapier or Stormer 25/30

What would it’s range be tho? I doubt those little missiles are hitting 10km like the Adats

7-8km but it wouldn’t matter considering that most people are going to coming towards you blissfully unaware that they are being targeted by an IRST instead of a radar

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On another note for an SAM system can I interest anyone with the cactus?