Why is the Pzh2000 the same BR as the PLZ05?

No gun depression sucks, but you’ll get used to it (Coming from the Bkan 1C)

2.5 seconds is massive in combat situations, should be more like 6 for the first 3-5 rounds though.

because it is similar to the brummbar but trades armor for better ballistics and mobility

Hummel will be around that br aswell which will be similar to the m44 but slower. Just because it is post war doesn’t mean it is broken at lower br. It doesn’t even look that different to ww2 sphs like the priest

This is not a PzH 2000 … I don’t know how Gajin can be so brazen… No autoloader for the 3 shot in 10 seconds that all bullets hit the same spot, the GPS bullets were not taken into game. And crew for a functional vehicle is 3 crew, if systems fail, you need 5 crews. The highspeed is 50-60 km/h These are the things that make up the PzH2000. I also don’t know how in the world use atillery as a tank destroyer in tank combat… it’s funny but actually totally unnecessary. a little more time in vehicle processing and br adaptation would be nicer as useless vehicle…


laughs in sturmpanzer II which people just happen to conviniently forget

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Missing spall liners
Missing camo net
Missing SAP shell
10 second reload compared to every other vehicle having 7.5
7.7 BR same as the plz05 and yet its laughably worse

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i dont care for it but the armor should also be 14.5mm resistant which its not

hey hey hey hey no more toking about nerfing ma favorite ufo tonk


love how they claimed “best in its class” when you can just play the plz 05 or the type 99 or the type 75 or the m109 or the bkan 1c or anything that isnt german because their vehicles are always the worst and yet are the same br. why is it worse when its even bigger than the rest. isnt that a balancing factor that larger vehicles are easer to kill so they shouldnt be so dogshit to play?
Somehow with a long ass barrel it has a velocity just higher of the m44 meanwhile the plz05s he and hevt rount are 933m/s they need to fix this garbage vehicle


Anyone else experiencing a bug in Pzh2000, where after the gunner is killed, you can no longer rotate the turret, reload or fire? - like ever again. Even if you’re repaired etc.

Like, it loads, but when click the fire button, nothing actually fires but it still removes a shell as if i did fire. It’s very weird.

Compare it to the t90m lmao, the t90m has insanely good spall liners, the german and swedish ones barely work.

even the plz 05 has spall liners. but they decided to not give the pzh 2000 its spall liners👶👶👶👶


Fix mean correcting the incorrect stuff in not the same meaning of buff.
so yes, 2A7 deserve fix

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I guess it is time for another round of review bombing…


Barracuda MCS; going to be added to a lot of vehicles eventually, and reduces its thermal signature to nil-near-none.

Would be nice

Should be around a 6 second, yes, saving grace is ammo count and storage

Bkan 1C is a whole bracket lower dawg, but only carries 14 rounds, that can be dispensed within a solid minute of firing.

My question is why are modern artillery pieces with LRF at the same BR as tanks built in the late 1940s

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And Sholef only 0.4 BR below them, with none of what make it special IRL, no LRF, no thermals, no stabilizer, no unique shells, targeting speed that is literally around 20% of it’s real one, less gun deprssion than real life, wrong engine + transmition + speed, weight is like 10 ton heavier than real life and only 30% of it’s real life armor. Yeah, German mains, I think your complaints are pathetic now. PLZ05 has to be 8.0 for sure, but before that I want the Turm III at 9.0 as it deserves and the VK 3002 M at 5.7 as justice determines.

I’ve seen you talk about this a lot of times, have you done a very comprehensive bug report? or you just put clowns at the end of your sentences

If so, post the link, provide it with proof and have it pushed by the community


They accepted all the features im refering to and yet they are missing

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if they accepted the best solution is patience and playing something else while waiting.