Why is the P-51D such a nightmare to play?

I hate to be that guy, but it shouldn’t be that surprising that teamwork actually works. Planes fly in flights/wings for a reason, and the same goes for tank platoons. IIRC one of the German ww2 manuals explicitly says that “a lone tank is a dead tank”.

Look at from the enemy perspective. Would you rather fight one person in a fairly even matchup, or two people where you are alone with a superior plane? Even if you’re good and know what you’re doing, winning a 2v1 is difficult, and potentially involves some luck.

Find someone who looks to be doing something reasonably sensible (climbing in props for example), and just follow/support them. At the very worst, you reduce the amount of fire you take by 50% just by offering the enemy another target.


Or let all aircraft have as little an amount of fuel as pilot wants

I think you’re fighting the wrong battle here. Here’s the link to people complaining about fuel sliders, https://forum.warthunder.com/t/the-new-mosquito-fm-and-the-useless-fuel-slider/89291

Same battle with a more useless plane. Russian yaks are home defence fighters. They are small with big thirsty engines that onky have access to russian low 100 octane fuel. so should only be allowed to have 7min fuel max. More russian bias

This doesn’t exist…


It is rare but team play has happened to me before. a few early jets and P-51H sticking together towards the end of the game, are so much more effective

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  1. Forced to take 31 mins of fuel (in a game mode that lasts max 25mins, but often is over in 15 mins or less).

  2. Wasn’t designed for rapid climbing (like BF109), or excellent flat turn (like Zero). It was designed for speed and long range, which doesn’t translate well into War Thunder’s ‘charge in and dog fight’ meta.

IRL it would have climbed up to 24,000+ ft at it’s leisure, over friendly air space.

Then flown to Germany with the bomber stream, fighting with the alt advantage (mostly), against enemy fighters that were primary targeting the bombers, not them.

This is were it excelled and helped win the war.

It isn’t a nightmare to fly? It’s quite enjoyable. The P-51K is my favorite.

What makes that variant different from the D’s and H?

I’m pretty sure it’s a carbon copy of the P-51D-30. But in the Chinese tree - my favorite tree.

oh ok. Little disappointing…

It’s a great plane

Yeah I love the D-30, I didn’t realize that 51’s can still be great at 5.0 and higher until I got absolutely smacked by one and tried it after.

Do you actually use it at 10.0?

Of course not, haha. I barely use any CAS as I prefer killing CAS players (they’re lower than dirt).
I just wanted to show what it looks like and its stat card.

Oh okay. :)

Had you used charts from old forum? (impossible, they gone)
Had you used WTRTI and tested each one yourself? (as a WTRTI user i know you did not)

How then did you gathered your flat out wrong data?
Let me guess. Stat cards?

I had not tested all those planes myself as i don’t regularly fly some of them, so i can only correct some but:
You say F4 climbs 20m/s, well it climbs 24m/s

You say P47RE climbs 10m/s(!), well it climbs 16m/s and then 18m/s after 2000m (super-turbocharger is not working properly below, about 2000m) (In all fairness, i heard it recently got engine HP nerf, this might be outdated)

You say P51C climbs 16m/s, i admit, i had not tested the C10 but C11, yet it was climbing between 19 and 20m/s

And f8f, huh? only shy 28-29m/s, and not 25m/s. To compare, K4 does 27-28m/s and is 5.7 and i should not start that f8f with flaps is one hell of a turn fighter, but with horrendous rudder, must admit.

With fw190a1-4 i no longer know, it used to climb between 16-17m/s but it had reworks on it, and is quite bad rn. A8 climbs 18m/s tho.

P38LO? Plane that outruns Narval & La9 on deck? Plane that can out-turn huge bulk of competition due to fantastic flaps? It sure is a challenge to aim properly due to poor nose control ability, but you boost both fantastic turn rate as well as roll rate of a 190 (weakness being rudder) it’s just, first you need to have flaps button binded, as that is not done by game by default. And let’s not even mention that, that thing has air brake while being a fighter, opening whole chamber of opportunities in defense flight.

“Anyways I’m going to go to sleep now but yeah as you can see my suggestions are reasonable.”

Yes my friend. Go sleep. Wake up. Think it over. Play 1000 more battles. You will understand yourself that you not reasonable, not quite.

Stat cards are a lie.
Only thru WTRTI you can obtain true data. Plane climb rate, HP, RPM and it’s weight, as well as amount of degrees in turn per second, and it’s sustained turn rate.

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You know that engine RPM and propeller cause roll into the propeller turning side? That rudder here is to counter right tilt roll that your engine is causing.

Some planes like A7M or C202 (some Italians) has their whole rudder of center to counter the propeller caused roll.

Don’t believe me? Climb up, accelerate yourself, put at shallow dive, turn off engine. Rudder will straighten up, or, even better, go do simulation battle, where there is no instructor and you have to counter engine caused roll yourself.

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Do people even bother reading replies anymore?

Nah I love good CAS players. Such an asset to the team, blowing up tanks you didn’t know we’re there before they can kill you, or helping clear out points