Why is the P-51D such a nightmare to play?

Less likely an aerodynamic related design but the hinds cockpit are also uncomfortably off center.


OP here, but I would like to add my issue is with the P-51D.
The game does have an issue of making American planes suffer from horrible game design with interdiction style starts. But what I wanted to add is that from my experience (and to the guy who posted the DEFYN vid showed) The D-30 is just a crapshot with the huge fuel load.

The P-47D-28 climbs relatively quickly, and even the lowly d-22 when given enough altitude and the thinner air, can turn well. In fact, I wish it was like it was. But the P-47N is one of my favorite aircraft if they fixed the thing. The large wings at altitude allowed me to Outturn G-2s handily in turn fights. But that’s the thing. A lot of the aircraft are hampered by excessive minimum fuel and the P-47N is equipped with the wrong engine.

I just don’t understand Gaijin’s thought process by hampering an aircraft and then stuffing it on the ground where it’s going to be easily beaten by the enemy team.


Imho you might considering to do some research regarding P-51Ds - especially regarding fuel load, location of fuel tanks, fuel management during the flight and shifts of the Center of Gravity during these phases. You might get some interesting facts and learn why the main tank behind the pilot was used first.

I fully agree that gaijin’s approach regarding fuel loads is a joke - it creates artificially increased or decreased flight performance without any relation to actual combat scenarios. Seeing friend using jet with min fuel (like 7 minutes) or meeting Corsairs with 12 minutes is just another way to prove that realism and wt are 2 different things…


You know they’re adding adjustable fuel sliders in a future update.

They don’t adjust minimum fuel load. So the P-51D is still screwed over


I got a terrible feeling the P51D20NA has been nerfed again while Gaijin dropped its BR to 4.0. it is no longer the fastiest at it BR if it ever was, yak 3 is catching it at 5k alt while being able to do damage at 1.7k distance, bf109f4’s can catch it in a dive zero’s can also kill it in a dive, it just don’t accelerate like it used to
is there any other p51 players than can verifier this. It could be me, i have checked it against the USA performance guide and its top speed is the same.

Below is recent replay please excuse the lengthy extendeding away from the yak 3, i was running a 500% booster and was unable to get an energy advantage over the yak 3, even at 5k alt while receiving dameage from a distance upto 1.7k

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The Yak-3 is made of stalinium since always, and the P-51D-20 has been bad, since always. I’ve been reading datamines for months and have not seen any mention of changes to the P-51D-20. However, we do have early model P-47 nerfs recently introduced in the game files. This screenshot indicates changes from last week.


Lowered manifold pressure equates to lower horsepower. However, there have been no such changes to the P-51 and as far as I know no P-51 has received FM adjustments in a long, long time.

The fact that you are struggling with the D-20 just means that you are seeing in practice that the D-20 is bad.

Ive allways had problems with it mostly due to it climb rate or should imsay manifold pressure, but saying that i am doing better now that I reduced convergence from 600 to 500, surprising how much it has had an affect. I would like to learn about this data mine, do you have a link about it please? And thanks for sharing that info

The updates are posted by a discord bot that distributes posts from a server called “MTG’s Official Discord Server”. That’s all I know. I have access to the updates because I am in Nimble’s discord (he makes sim content).

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I hate to be the one to have to point the obvious out to you: All your suggestions are like they’ve been made prior to 2014 and Ground Battles don’t exist. Many of these planes are at higher BR because of their utility and destructiveness in ground battles as CAS. Yes, yes, different BRs are coming for Air and Ground, but it’s not here yet. Your suggestion for P-47s are silly and would mess up Ground.

Gaijin is going to separate Air and Ground BR’s - and even though (I believe) I wrote this before they announced that, it doesn’t mean that I was wrong about them being overtiered in Air going off of the attributes in the game files.

Regardless, you could’ve read down a bit where someone pointed out that the easy-to-read flight performance data in the files isn’t the compiled flight performance data, and that flight performance is a more active process (i.e. not written down in a file nice and pretty).

Essentially what I was saying needs to be taken with a grain of salt, some more than others. I am still mostly correct, Gaijin’s code isn’t that bad, but there’s at least ±15% leeway on most vehicles (some are still crap, like the P-47).

Oh, I believe you. There are many, many, many aircraft of all nations over-tiered because of how they perform in ground battles, because of the air-to-ground ordinance they carry. The separation of air and ground BR will be one of the biggest changes to occur for many years.

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I also think that the problems of the Americans are that they are airplanes to play as a team, doing hit and run when the enemy is chasing you and shooting him down, the problem is the same as always. Here you almost never play as a team, so when you do hit and run you can only go in a straight line until the end of the map or until the person chasing you gets tired and turns around, so you should gain height again and look for an enemy below you and with less energy.

A lot of the times you need to attempt to be a decent team player in order to get the team to help you.

Often times what I’ll see from players is that they will attack the first target they see…get multiple people behind them…and then dive to the deck and in a direction opposite of friendlies.

It’s like…bruh…in order for me to help you out…you need to not put yourself in a situation where we will both die even if I save you from your immediate threat. The fact that US planes can use speed to basically delay/prevent being hit/killed is an enormous advantage that most players don’t take advantage of.


No squad no team there are individuals who play as a team but the majority of the player base have there own objectives and it is not all ways to win the match. USA is BnZ or BnR

i haven’t played the D-30 yet, but I’ve played the Cannonstang, the P-51C, the D-5 and the D-20 (J26) and as depicted in Defyn’s video posted by @Uncle_J_Wick at the beginning of the thread, they are planes (most us props) that you’re supposed to play more slowly, more patiently: you set up, engage, aim/shoot, disengage and reset; once you get the P-51 up to speed and some altitude it’s really good.

I think the main issue is that most players in AirRB just don’t know how to fly (not just american props) and dive to the deck as soon as their are in a disadvantageous position, they go for the first guy they see, they try to go head on or turn fight anyone and won’t take advantage of their plane’s strengths.

On top of that, you have the low match timer and the fact that the map “play area” is relatively small (and so it is somewhat rare to get into 1v1s) which don’t really allow you to play these aircraft like the P-51, P-47, exc as intended and you need to get a little… creative; that’s not to say that they are bad tho, if you fly them right they are great.


Most individuals are trying to grind for resources. Usually you can tell who on your team is playing for what.

Sometimes just killing the most obvious target first will force the friendly team to behave in ways that actually help.

Simple stuff like using an air spawn fighter to start forcing the other side to dive early game can pay off hugely for your team in the back end. At the same time…if your team is made up of dudes that bum rush a bomb point with fighters…yeah it’s over.

The thing is…that also happens on Non-US teams. Try playing to 109 and you’ll run into the same thing where it feels like you blink and your whole team died in l head-ons to AD-4s.

P51 should have an air spawn. How else could you justify it having 30min fuel at start of a battlle

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I don’t think it needs an air spawn, the climb rate isn’t the best, but it’s not that bad either; i’d say it’s average.
Still, it would at least feel more justified than the XP-50’s air spawn.