How is the Greyhound at 1.0? It’s a highly mobile platform with the later Stuarts’ 37mm and a FUCKING 50CAL. A 50cal is basically OP at 1.0. The 50cal itself can basically front pen so many tanks, along with side penning a lot of other tanks. With the high speed and the 37mm, its basically a low tier BMP-2M. The Greyhound should be at least 2.7 as it is better than the M5A1.
should be 2.0
should be more like 2.7 with scouting and its nerf reverted
2.7 is crazy as it actually ISN’T better than the M5A1…
Just because something isn’t balanced, doesn’t mean you need to give some wacky non-thought out exaggerated BR as a suggestion to fix it, yeah?
I’m getting Deja Vu, ah yes.
Assume you mean the stabiliser? Its not a shoulder-stop gun, it shouldn’t have had one in the first place.
Funny how realism is selective in this game.
Its reload was increased which should be reverted with a br and tier increase.
Stock → Ace crew.
3.7s → 2.9s before.
4.6s → 3.5s now.
Just Gaijin things.
I feel like it could be maybe 1.7, definitely not any higher than that though. 2.0 at a stretch but only if it goes to rank ii and gets scouting. I use it with my American 5.7 and 6.3 lineup and it still is a good little speedy one but not really competitive with other tanks above 2.0
This proves my point, there are many people who have noticed the nonsense of putting this vehicle at BR 1.0, when it should be at br 2.0