Why is the Italian F-104G unfair?

I’ve been deeply struggling with my F-104G, from the Italy tech tree. Not only it is 11.0BR in realistic battles, which is +0.3BR compared to the German implementation, but it also lacks in missiles quantity/quality compared to other nations.

Why does Italy get this harsh treatment for this particular plane?

both are 11.0 but the German one has better load outs, Italy gets better 104s though so it’s not really an issue and it’s not worse enough to get a lower br.

Fact of the matter is, Italy is a minor nation, often played by skilled players, which with Gaijin’s balancing system causes some Italian vehicles to be overtiered.
Not saying the F-104G is overtiered since I don’t have it, but what I said goes for some of every minor nation’s vehicles.


Probably they don’t see it as enough of difference for br change. Another case would be Italian Tornado having poor quality thermals, compared to German one at the same br, although for premium AMX the same difference makes it sit higher compared to the regular one in GRB.
If you ask me, though maybe unpopular opinion, it’s better to change AIM-9J which F-104G has never used in Italian service to AIM-9B and lower br.

I recommend if you’re struggling on using it, I’d just focus on destroying AI ground targets.

It’s a combination of legacy BRs and BR compression.

The regular F-104G should be 10.7, and the Italian one should be 0.3 below that. However, then you run into the issue of them being the same BR or higher than the flareless F-104s.


f-104g should be 10.7

F-104G (Ger) is 11.0 with flares and 4 9Js

F-104J (Jap) is 10.3 with no flares and 6 9Ps

F-104G (Chn) is 10.7 with no flares an 4 9Ps

F-104G (Ita) is 11.0 with flares and 2 9Js

F-104G (Bel) is 11.0 with flares and 4 9Js

Gaijin go kaboom

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104S and 104S.ASA aren’t better for their BRs, they’re just more modern

to what though

10.0 maybe, shit missiles, but flares + can bomb bases

bombing really should never be taking into account like that, especially for a F-104 which is not anywhere close to a bomber. 9B and flares to me would be 9.7 at max

The regular F-104A and C would be 9.7 with just a bit of decompression, so it would be 10.0 with flares.

F-104 was used both as fighter-bomber and interceptor (in Italy there were even 2 separate configurations for F-104S), gamewise F-104 is also one of the best base bombers, especially S variant.

I’m not assuming decompression when I said that.

Which is highly hailed as a poor decision and more of a political move irl. Bombing in game is whatever but it shouldn’t determine a vehicles BR