Seriously. If you insist on withholding the mlu-1 for another update, because you’re sadists I guess, why is it the same br as one objectively better in every way. Gaijin is Enron levels of stupid as a company.
Fundamentally in air combat they’ll be somewhat the same, +the finnish one belongs at 14.0 either way, we just need some more decompression
Without HMS at 14.0, it’s DOA in the A2A role. Don’t justify this.
Did you not read the last bit? It (likely) belongs at 14.0 and we need a 15.0
Likely because it depends on how the BRs change
Then add the mlu-1. It’s functionally identical to the 18c late. Just because gaijin plans to make it not garbage in 6 months or so doesn’t stop it from being garbage now. Seriously you’re acting like the plane being useless for the forseeable future is somehow excusable.
Swedish mains said back in late 2023 that both the HMS-less Mirage 4000 and F-15s were okay against the full HMS capable Gripens and Su-27s.
Oh boy just look how the tables turned.
Buddy go fight your imaginary battles somewhere else. I don’t main any nation I just grinded Sweden in anticipation of this update and I’m severely disappointed.
Do you not understand a lick of how decompression works?
Yeah, I’m as annoyed as the next guy that we aren’t getting the better one
Yeah, I was annoyed as hell when Sweden got the JAS39A while everyone else got the C.
Notice how the JAS39A is at 13.0? Notice how the JAS39C is at 13.7?
Picture F-18C FIN : 14.0
Picture F/A-18C Late : 14.7
Do I need to explain anymore or can you finally understand what’s being said?
Oh plus: instead of the Swedish Gripen situation the MLU would probably be foldered, so half RP
it’s not an imaginary battle. The discussions are there to be checked.
Back then, HMS was labeled as a gimmick rather than a useful tool. I just wanted to point how funny it is that a ‘gimmick’ makes enough difference between a DOA or a usable variant.
That or everyone that said HMS was secondary are either clueless o hypocrites nowadays.
Yes I understand how decompression works. Don’t talk down to me cause I don’t automatically accept your unproven assumption. The devs haven’t expressed an intention to move any of the TT up in br and I doubt they will. The J39A is fine at 13.0 you’re just garbage.
You are failing to grasp my point: no 14.0 fighter should lack hmd. The fact that you think the US 18C late needs to be at 14.7 tells me all I need to know about how you play. The 18c late only outclasses other 14.0s in AoA and missile count, something that doesn’t matter in 9/10 top tier engagements.
Even if the Finnish 18C remained at 14.0 it would still not be able to compete with strike eagles and eurofighters due to its innability to aquire lock first and the draggy airframe limiting bvr performance. You know, the factors that actually matter at top tier.
Never said it was the only thing that’d rise
So synthetically add it to the current F-18C? Development takes time, and the MLU wouldn’t be ready in time for the full update
Guess who’s going to 15.0?
Bro wtf are you even talking about?
How HMS used to be labelled more of a gimmick, back before it truly mattered, and many who were arguing about it have turned into hypocrites as of recent
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Already argued with Smin, its basically just hate targeting with them skipping the MLU 1 so we have to use a base F18 against a version that has it while at the same BR.
Never said I wanted them there because I’m bad or they’re scary. You’re literally disregarding the whole idea and purpose of decompression
Okay? Why should I care what they said? It’s not a gimmick, it allows you to notch and reaquire lock way faster than any vehicle without it.
Don’t ask me, ask the person you somehow couldn’t understand
HMD is invaluable to top tier Air RB not having it makes you essentially always at a close fight disadvantage for notching and defending. This vehicle is DOA without it in the current Meta.
Cause they have the same weapons, flight performance, radars, and countermeasures.
Also HMS is primarily for IR missiles, which isn’t as big of a need at top BR where TWS is more important.