Why is the Finnish F18C early the same BR as the American late model

No I’m not. I’m just not letting you use it as a catch all argument to defend every bad gameplay decision. You’re saying decompression will fix this. Which as someone who’s played for about 10 years, I’ve never seen actually do that. This early variant has no place in the game. Plain and simple. It’s in a place where it will either always club in a downer or always get clubbed in an uptier. They should have added the MLU-1 as the initial, restricted the armament to 9ms and 120bs, then added the mlu2 as the 9x/120c carrier. No matter how far apart you spread BR’s, the 18c early will never have first shot opportunity against an alert opponent.

Also, I like how you’ve had to rely on insulting the skill level of a fellow player over trying to undertsand their point

I would also like to mention, I am not against the MLU. However, development takes time and Gaijin does not have it ready Plus decompression in air has been due for quite a bit, especially for some of the lower jet BRs

You should add a pole to your post to see how many people want the version in game to be made into MLU 1

That’s kinda 14.0 for you, would you prefer they knock it down to 13.7 where it’ll club in an downtier and still be clubbed in an uptier because it’s going up against the same aircraft?

Heres a direct you quote:

Not the same weapons: The Finnish version lacks the entire air to ground armament

Not the same flight model: 18c late vs 18c early

Not the same radar: Again, hms

Not the same countermeasures: No BOL pods

Also hms is only useful for ir if you’re bad at the game. It’s invaluable with fox3s, as it allows you to reaquire a lock after notching far faster than a locked setup. Hell one is called early and one is called late if you need more indication that one is better than the other.

Mid range combat is the most important part of top tier gameplay and the Finnish f18 is absolutely useless in that range.


Don’t condescend to people if you don’t want to get condescended to. I understood your point fine in the first comment yet you consistently reiterated it to me like I was mentally handicapped.

14.0 is fine. This is why I think you’re bad. I’ve gone 5-0 with a stock Gripen A at 14.0. The reason I was able to do that was because I had hmd that gave me first shot opportunity.

Some ranges could do with decompression, sure. But that’s not the issue with top tier. Speaking as someone who has every TT jet save for the rafaleunlocked, the real issue is planes that have no business being in the game. It’s abundantly clear that the Finnish 18c early is one of those planes.

It’s a stopgap model that would’ve gotten absolutely murdered in irl combat, that is why the MLU packages exist. Any time spent playing TT could have told them the MLU was the one they should have spent time developing. So either they don’t play their game (strong possibility), or they’re saving one of the mlus for a premium. Either way, it’s a shit decision that doesn’t deserve the time you spend defending it.

Air to ground weaponry won’t impact its air RB and air sim performance.

Neither have BOL pods.
HMS is not a radar.

TWS allows me to lock even faster than HMD.

I’d first like to mention this

The current one, the F-18C FIN Early, is already made and prepared. To pull it out at this point would’ve wasted the time of the developers who have been working on it for however long. The MLU can come this update, but there’s no guarantee it’s not going to have any issues.

Couple things:

  1. The only planes I have that see this high are the F-16C, Su-33, and IRIAF
  2. Moving it all up a BR wouldn’t harm it if it’s already fine now

Unfortunately such decompression would have to actively affect top tier before it becomes useful

As much as I doubt it, I wouldn’t find it surprising. Get your preorders for “F-18C MLU 1 Early (FIN)” ready!

Side note: I didn’t intend to sound condescending, it’s usually the tone and way I talk while arguing, debating, etc. Doesn’t excuse it so I’ll apologize, but just so you know it wasn’t intentional

Unfortunately with how few jets Sweden can get pushing a premium F-18 would be a huge kick in the teeth even more so. Theres aren’t enough jets to keep sweden going without Denmark and Norway and even then not enough there. Besides the JA37Di F21 was recent so we’d be looking at about 2 years before we see another premium and the F18 will probably take gaijin that long to add another one lmao


The JA37DI is probably the last premium Gaijin can push for Sweden (without a direct TT counterpart)

speechmemified_pasteimage (1)


In other words, “we don’t like you, we will nerf you, we want more money”

I’m just sayin, development time wouldn’t be an issue if they just C+V the American F/A-18C to the swed tree with a different paint job, unless there were different changes to the Finnish f-18 I don’t know of

Doesn’t this kinda contradict your own words? You just said with IR it doesn’t matter…

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Most people complain more about copy paste vehicles tbh

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Fair enough, I can’t argue with that, copy paste is quite annoying


But there are always some exceptions.

Also, Even though the non-existence of A2G ordnance is usually not big enough to decrease BR.

It usually damages the ‘Quality of Life’ of the player while stock grinding.

  • Less modification, which leads to more RP per single mod.
  • You can’t even think of bombing base, which means you have no other option than to fight against spaded EF2000 or F-15C/E unless you are planning to spend GE for escaping stock.

The same problem which made the stock grind of Tornado F.3 Late a nightmare.(when it was 13.3)