The corresponding ones are J8F and F-4F KWS LV,they are 11.7 in ground battle. Kfir’s pod and just two Paveways can allow it to be in the same room with aircraft like su34, f15e, rafale?This makes no sense, c10 should be lowered to 12.0 so it can be in the same queue with the AH-60.
If gaijin does not want to change its br What weapons can be added tomatch its BR.
By the way, why is the “new topic” button on the game discussion page cant use? Isn’t it for posting?
I personally hate laser guided bombs, they are so slow and u need to fly high.
The fact that kfir only has 2 of them makes it worst than the kurnass. But still this thing its at he same br as F15I and F16 Barak II lower br having more bombs and aim120?
yep,i dont think it should in 12.0 which have top tier SPAA to limit it. Even without SPAA, only two bombs will limit it too, so there is no need to worry about the strong cas ability disrupting the balance, you can use fox3 to do more air battle.
my guess is the devs are putting way too much value on the targeting pod and radar, considering the f4f ice is 11.7 in tanks with 4 aim 120s and 4 irccm missiles but with no targeting pod finding kills on tanks is a bit harder. tho i think the ground rb br on the c10 will prob go down once it underperforms there.
It should be lower in br but 12.0 is too low since you have 11.0 down tiers and no planes at that br can deal with more advanced Fox 3s like derby
In the future it will probably get python 4 and spice 1000
Spice is basically a jdam with an different types of seeker just like the aasm Hammer
So it will probably go up in br
But to be honest for ground it does make no sense for it to be at 12.7 but we also have to compensate for srb because if it was 11.7 for ground that means it would see 10.7
It’s not really fair for planes at that br to face Fox 3s but who cares when you have the ICE and the DI running around
We are in need for a br decompression for ground and better aa systems
For air a br decompression is desperately needed because we need a gap between planes that have fox 1 and planes that have fox 3
Shooting down planes and helis is not important you mean?
Let’s say you face Russia, and you are on the US or German team and you face SU-34s without SPAA to counter them, having a fighter up is a good idea to keep near their spawn.
I rather use a fighter than a SPAA then.
And the Kfir with it ASEA radar will detect and often lob a missile against the other planes before they can fire on you