Why is the 76 jumbo at 6.3 br

the p51 isnt that great in WT its not their fault

going from mk24 to early jets, i can understand that

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The h is the d-5 sucks

IRL, was possibly the most strategically valuable fighter of the war

ingame, no one wants to do an hours long bomber escort mission

I didnt play the mk24 until much later, I went from the tempest to the vampire. it was bloody awful

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It was key to keeping day bombings safe, just as the spitfire was the key to why there was a chance to beat the reich. shame the spit has a glorious life in WT but the mustang is just mid

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at least the pacifc front GOATs are solid ingame

Its gonna get downtierd to 10.0

It still is hopeless against all aspects missiles

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I’m not saying they’re entirely disregarded, simply that he doesn’t have the experience to talk on the playability of a vehicle that he simply never played.

If he argued for compression around 5.7-7.0, by all means he can preach. I’d support him all the way through that… But to say the Jumbo is an issue when the general foundation of mid BRs is skewed? Especially when you haven’t even played the '76…

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and every single R-60 carrier + 1 R-73 carrier is following it down too

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Jumbo 76 will never be 5.7 its basically a panther A lowest it can go is 6.0

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yippiee i can finally stock grind the f4c without wanting to implode

Chi-Nu II is there, then it must go down to 3.7 and that’s way too low.

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And no mention of the M4A1, which is at the same BR yet even better than the F2?

Gun is quite a bit better, it is smaller and harder to see. That alone makes it better than the IV H to me.

And T-55AM-1 is equally superior to all 8.7s.


And they have taken massive nerfs to both their flight model and their engines. They are two of the worst 4.7s.

You don’t want to go down this road buddy.


Zerstorer, Ostwind II…

FM had nerfs, but the engines are still fine.
I’d say the A5/U2 is still quite good.

Two AAs being added is proof of bias?

The engines now overheat much faster than before and are impossible to keep cool unless you drop to 80% throttle. Even then the oil will quickly overheat at a much lower temperature in seconds.

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Two entirely fictional SPAAs that outperform a LARGE majority of other SPAAs at the same (if not lower) BR… Yes.

They did that to begin with if you didn’t use MEC, there are these fun things called radiators that you need to open.

(Also not 4.7)

Shipping manifest proves the Ostwind 2 existed.

Zerstorer 45 development directly states that the 3cm Flakvierling gun mount was tested on a Mobelwagen chassis (i.e. the vehicle we have in game).

If you’d like to present evidence to the contrary, go ahead. But wartime germany didn’t go around shipping empty boxes and air.

Oh really? Why don’t we test this out then?

Oil radiator cannot be adjusted (this is accurate)

Once you get the oil nice and hot, you can no longer keep it cool. It overheated at 89C, throttle lowered to 100%, and then it only went down to 85C even after giving it way longer than other aircraft. After not even a minute in WEP it overheats at 88C.

The overheating temperature WILL continue dropping until even 100% throttle is not useable and you have to go even slower. Once oil temp goes red, it will immediately start damaging your engine as well.

This is of course not to speak of how bad they handle now. Before, with some skill and smart flap use, you could hang with most single engine fighters provided they weren’t especially maneuverable. Now you’re lucky if you can compete with the worst of them.
Climb rate was always mediocre in all 190s past the A-1 and this has made it even worse. As is top speed.

AND let’s not forget the MG151/20 ballistics nerfs, they lose speed much much faster than any other 20mm cannon.