Why is the 76 jumbo at 6.3 br

That may be one of the parameters but it’s not the only one.

… It still sucks because almost all 6.7 vehicles would easily penn you and you would struggle to penn them. Tiger 2’s and is 2’s. Just because you like a vehicle doesn’t make it a good vehicle. (It is a good vehicle but suffers from gaijins terrible br system)

Because the Panther F is generally quite rare on German teams.

But yeah, just angle the hull and turret 20° and the US 76mm can’t go through except that rangefinder weakspot.

It shouldn’t even be a giant armor hole like in the game:


There’s also additional armor surrounding the hole.

Unless you get royally screwed by the volumetric hell that’s Panther’s turret.

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The 76 Jumbo is already extremely easy to play at 6.3 lol, 6.0 would be pure braindead gameplay.


At its br its good because only a few tanks are at its br, uptier its swiss cheese, downtier its a monster. I personally love the jumbo 76 but struggle to use it because its in such an odd place.


VK dont have acces to fast reload autoloader, over 200mm pen or stabilizer plus nuclear APHE like others 5.0.

Just one year ago before the dissater BR change.
Screenshot - 2024-11-11T101457.353

Ah nice, so Germany shouldnt have acces to light tanks or tanks with movility “cuz is too much”.

lowering anything in BR is generally a bad idea, i think the real issue here is br decompression

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True, though you start to get used to its trolly nature, and go for the bottom right corner, or aim a bit more carefully for the mantlet.

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End of 2021.

I never said that.
Buffing Panther’s speed instead of adding light vehicles doesn’t make sense.

I would say USA does.It has the ammo to slay super heavy WW2 and the 50 cals for the light stuff.It has the Skyraider type CAS as well. Tiny HEAT FS firing mini tanks create havoc against Germany in confined spaces.

Germany is a bit of a one trick pony as far as I can see at 6.7. Open to debate of course.

I might be wrong but I think they meant that Germany has the best singular 6.7 vehicle in the game, not that it has the best 6.7 lineup.

OK my apologies if that is true : )

It was mostly aimed at Tiger II H.

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And??? just a few months later their win ratios are similar to the others nations.

The problem is right now Germany dont have any of both.

Lets start at saying that the panther is 6.0 and jumbo 6.3. So already you have to justify keeping the Jumbo higher br.

You are actually correct, its not the turret ring, its the lower mantlet thats 100mm. I’m aiming at that area for the shot trap so i always thought it was penning the ring. That being said, the turret ring is still vulnerable to a panther at most ranges.

You choose alaska, but even on alaska you are shooting from B to C a lot (400m+) down the 2 line, down the 6 line, ect. 2 of the 3 caps are out of any sort of terrain that would benefit the jumbo. Not just that, until you get to under 200m i’d say the panther has the advantage due to being able to pen the UFP while the jumbo still has to aim for weak points.

So yeah, you can cherry pick areas where you are under 200m, but its not hard at all to find scenarios where a panther is just as good or better than a jumbo when you try to pick situations that benefit the jumbo more.

While a stab is a pretty nice advantage, being able to UFP a tank is just about as good. On the move a panther is very stable and if you have to hit small weak points and i have to hit your ufp, i’d take that bet.

5.9s reload? come on man. What percentage of players do you think are acing and full crew leveling a 6.3 tank? That argumen reeks. Not just that, your 6s fire rate doesn’t realy matter when fighting over ridges. The ability to reverse, repair, then one-shot you back is a pretty big advantage. Not only that, but the ability to one-shot a tank in 1v2 or 2v2 situations is very often the determining factor. Disabling them (especially when you can’t blow the breach or barrel on your first hit) isn’t good enough.

I think this back-and-forth proves my point though. There are a lot of situations where a jumbo is better than a panther. There are a lot of situtations where a panther is better than a jumbo. So why is the jumbo 6.3 and the panthers are 6.0?

As for the VK 3002, try comparing it to EVERY med tank at its br. Its armor is pretty close to the ARL at 5.3. ~100mm protection across the whole front with some small 80mm points. FFS the chi-ri at 5.0 has, at best, 75mm protection with multiple 20mm plates. providing weak points.

The churchill is nowhere near the maus. The maus can pen nearly every single tank that it sees by point and clicking. The church has a whole plethora of tanks it sees that it can’t pen, has AP only ammo, and has none of the crew spacing durability of the maus.

You are trying to make an argument with a US 75mm vs the church … just use the APCR. literally what its designed for. flat vertical plates. Again, you have to try really hard to make this argument.

Are you sure???

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Yeah… that wasnt the best comparison lol.

check the turret.

Why would you shoot the ufp when you can shoot the 100mm turret.

Because you said this…

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