Why is T77E1 (spaa) higher BR than a Chaffee?

Why is the T77E1 SPAA considered, regarding battle-ratings, 4.0 while its light tank variant, Chaffee, 3.7?

It only carries x6 .50cals. It’s no match against any other light tank unlike other SPAA with bigger than 20mm auto canons

Why is a FLARAKRAD on 11.7?

Its missile has less effect on tanks than a 7.7 PZH 2000.



Those vehicles aren’t even related with each other…

And if you aren’t able to deal damage with VT1 against main battle tanks that’s another topic not related to this one

Why does it have a lower BR that the M247?
It has more guns afterall

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Those are overwhelmingly different platforms. Did you even read the question at hand in this topic?

If trolling is your memo or you’re not interested in contributing, so be it and move on

So are the Chafee and the T77E1, so the jokes on you buddy


Is it? Please enlighten us explaining the benefits of the T77E1 compared to the Chaffee, which has the same or higher capabilities with a lower BR:

One is a light tank, one is a SPAA.
How are you even comparing the BRs on those?
Whats the issue?

the T77 is for ANTI AIR purposes, it is balanced for tank on air combat
the Chaffee is a LIGHT TANK, it is balanced more on tank on tank combat

the T77 is miles above the Chaffee in the Anti Air department, but lacks in the anti ground department
while the Chaffee is miles behind the T77 in the Anti-air department

they are balanced based on their performance in their roles, and their average performance in battles

this is the reason why SPAAs like the Ozelot, Chapparal, Type 93/81, Antelope, Osa, Strela are in the 9.x-10.x range despite having no AT ability,

and why things like the low tier Bofors SPAAs are in the 3/4.0s despite having pitiful SPAA capability
or the ZSU-57-2s at 7.0,
these are a lot better in ground combat and perform well their, they are balanced to not be too strong / OP in either aspect,
they should not be compared in BR, as they are not comparable platforms
it is like comparing the Osa to the M1128,

the T77 and Chaffee share nothing in common bar the M24 hull and the M2HB


T-77E1 is much better at hitting and destroying aircraft than Chaffee

because it’s an anti air and as anti air goes it’s super good. The chaffee is a light tank. They have completely different roles and their effectiveness is in their roles chooses their BR

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