Why is J7W1 a Fighter?

In wikipedia it said that J7W1 is an interceptor and ingame it performs really awful and just cannot fight. Plane like Ta-152 gets airspawn but J7W1 doesn’t. What’s the meaning of this?


In game classes do not correspond to the plane’s role in real life for every aircraft, and wikipedia is not a trusted source because even I could go in there and write some BS if i wanted to. You should find original books and documents such as manuals to make any suggestions to improve the performance of the aircraft.

Additionally, the game is balanced by player statistics so if some skilled players are using the plane it will remain in a bad state because the pros are getting kills and doing fine in it. The big 3 have more new players so there are a bunch of bad statistics to lower the BR and give more hand holding to those nations.

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As outlined by the fellow player above gaijin is providing air spawns not according to their intended role - they allocate these air spawns mainly based on “balance” reasons or economic interests.

The J7W1 was mentioned in many threads and is just another example of a plane which was denied an air spawn due to “reasons”. A lot of other aircraft share this fate - and other nations got airspawns for “non-interceptors”.

The madness of this selected air spawn nonsense can be displayed with 2 examples:

  1. The US Navy equivalent of the XP-50, the XF5F, got his airspawn denied.
  2. The Ki-102 (with the 57 mm ) is classified as interceptor - despite the implemented version is actually the ground attack version and gaijin refuses to add the ability to carry bombs. The interceptor version of the Ki-102 (with 37 mm cannons) was never implemented.

I was about to like your post, but imho your claim above (trusted source) does not hold water in a potential court case. Technically seen Gaijin is fully liable for the content on their websites if the don’t add any disclaimers on the wiki subsection. It doesn’t matter if they allow volunteers to edit content or not.

But i agree that the chances that somebody will sue gaijin regarding non provided airspawns are rather low - and wt wiki contains already a lot of BS.

Have a good one!


p47 is an even higher altitude fighter than j7w. and what, - in the game it flies close to the ground and attacks tanks. (and tanks, as we know, don’t fly very high… hehe)

It’s Japanese so it’s bound to be overtiered.
Just look at the J6K…


P-47s are great at high altitude, people rarely fly them up there. J7W is terrible at any altitude.


By your logic all german jets aswell as the ME163 would get a airspawn they were all made as interceptors

it’s like i’m back in middle school…