Takes only a few CC to say its OP to get inexperienced players to flock to it and drop its stats
A5C being bumped up by 0.7br less appealing than one thats dropped by 0.3. One rank above aswell.
Same thing as Ayit id say best aircraft in the Israeli tt and alot of people know it. But ill still see base bombing Ayits in a match. They would also have enough matches for it to be spaded aswell.
That logic doesnt work when the Ariete being a premium is at the same BR as the Sagittario 2 while being significantly better.
Another examples of this logic being wrong(although not being batlantly as p2w as the Ariete) are G55S having slightly better engine cooling and maneuvrability than G55 serie 1, Bf109G-2(not longer obtainable in germany but can be obtained in italy) being same BR as G-2/trop despite the slight edge in performance advantage of normal G-2 due to removal of the tropical air filter, G91R/4 being same BR as R/1 despite the versatily of being able to bring some 9Bs if one desires it, F-4S is the better version of the F-4J, P-51D-10 having practically the same flight performance(minus rudder performance above 550kmh)as the D-30, but 0.7 BR lower, Pokrishking P-39 being a P-39 with weight reduction(and normal P-39 is already a very undertiered plane), A-1H as a vastly improved loadout over normal AD-4 and Su-11 being a Su-9 with considerably extra engine thrust for a small 0.3 BR increase.
Of course there are cases of the premium being worse than the tech, with most obvious being F-4J(UK) and AMX-11A, but this more the exception than the rule, normally a bad premium is just a reskin of a “bad/underperforming/overtiered” tech tree vehicle, with P-51D-20NA being a reskin of P-51D-10, the worse P-51 ingame, its the perfect example of this case, but other cases like T-2 and T-2 Early, Tornado IDS and Tornado WTD61 exists.
There is also the premium vehicles that are actually unique, some of them are bad(recently removed FPA-16) while some of them are good and can make a huge impact in the match(Wyvern being perfect example)
I don’t have the J7D because I already had China air complete when it came out. I am however, currently grinding out the new Taiwanese subtree in the T-2 for Japan and at br 9.7 equipped with all of ZERO countermeasures I have been seeing a considerable amount of J7D’s which is criminal.
Because its a premium, case closed and before you start comparing it with the 21bis at 11.0, it wouldn’t be 11.0 if it was tech-tree exclusive, but a premium version exists and they cant be that shameless so they had to lower all versions to 11.0.