Why is HEAT-FS still the starting round for top tier?

When is this being changed to produce a fair gaming environment?

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Russian tanks get a lot of ERA

It was changed to HEAT-FS for a “fair gaming environment”.


Don´t forget the NATO HEAT Nerf some years ago from 640mm Pen to 480mm now.
The value of russian Heat remained untouched.
Russians need a lot of balancing lately


All tanks* get HEAT protection.
Stop calling all tanks in the game Russian.

@halkad1 Cause 650mm was incorrect, & 550 is correct.


Russians by far get the best protection against heatfs across the board.

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All tanks get HEAT protection, some just get way more than the rest.

Top tier battles are too quick, making stock tanks worthless to the team contributes towards this.

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640mm was correct in the best case and gajin used only 1 source years ago.
Remember if you want something to be changed you need 2 sources in this game.
It was and is still a huge nerf to NATO tanks.

How are they going to get you to spend GE if you are comfortable with what you have though?