Let me find those screenshots of comparable rewards with a wildly differing performance in battles.
Both games with premium account, premium vehicles, same day even. Both games won. Same activity in both games.
ARB - 2 kills (smallest skill bonus), 5:57/6:20 (I died) = 10789RP
GRB - 9 kills (largest skill bonus), 7:54/8:19 (I didn’t die once) = 13723RP
Rewards do differ by ~20% but the performance doesn’t match that.
It’s quite dumb to see how easier the grind is in ARB.
People don’t even have to research all TT branches to be fully competitive there.
Cool solution would be (I did a post but moderators never accepted it… wonder why lol)
To make the gamers more active in the objective is to get double the xp for kill if you get a guy defending a cap point (if the point is already taken)
Same for the guy on the cap point if he gets a kill standing on a capped zone and the other player is either in the cap or not will get the double xp for kill
this would make the game more objective focused instead of sniping
if you wan’t to snipe you get normal xp just like now but if you play what the games wants you to play it will grant you a bonus xp for your hard work.
This would make the ground RB a little bit easier to xp without radical game changing mechanics and would actualy make the 1 dl maybe less common because of that
So playing sniping oriented vehicles would now come with a penalty, nice work.
Only your own premiumday count not that from some youtuber and I saw that too
Well RP wise - generally air battles are easiest, then ground and then naval. But I wouldn’t equate that to being the ‘hardest’, as I find ground battles more enjoyable, less taxing, and I’m willing to play them without even thinking about the grind. It’s simply not a grind if you’re having fun and ground does that better than any other mode in this game. Obviously, that’s just my opinion, but I think deep down most will admit that it’s true.
how with penalty? they would ear just as much xp as now but the players who play the objective will be rewarded lol
Penalty in comparison to the guy who is playing the objective.
Not all vehicles are designed to fight in CQC, did you ever thought of that ?
But cqc is not on all maps you get it right? people playing light mobile tanks get the penalty playing long range maps so it is kinda balanced out…
While more armored tanks with bigger guns get more kills on sniping maps and can actually cap the obj with the bonus