Why is ground grind so hard in comparison to air grind?

For me it common the get around 30k-34k rp in air battles with the J7D because I mostly survive long and get around 5 kills.

If you want to play some fuuny tank I can recommend china I get 3 nukes in 4 matches with one lineup that was so funny

But anyways 24k rp was the highest I ever got in a premium tank

No, the way to compare air to ground is base RP rewards.

For example. Of course that T-55AM-1 rewards were in 2019 - 2020 when ground actually had a normalization issue that wouldn’t be fixed until 2023, and despite that has similar RP rewards per action done. Just one is across more matches cause I obviously had a higher skill level with Sea Vixen.

Victory loss bonus disparity for one, which sadly the tables don’t have a line for, likely combined with “Time Played”.

I’m 99% sure this was without any boosters. I’ve also got over 30k in the Ju-288 before, as well as several other 20k rp matches in the J-7D.

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Do I have to say anything…
20 kills and not even 20k rp

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im not saying you are wrong, but you aren’t playing premiums… On the flip side, I have played ARB matches in a non premium mirage where I get 30K for 5 kills… soooooooo

16 kills + a nuke in turm III noboosters. This is the most insane ground match I ever played

And that’s with a premium account too.

Yep and 1 premium vehicel. I died like 10 times but anyways

I played 1 premium tank and got the most kills with it ig and i even have premium acc oh and I respawned 10 times so 4 times more as what gajin expects right?

That was with boosters. Likely ~300%, congrats on that BTW.
Here, have a list of recent air RB matches from me: Ignore the researched unit RP as that has bonus vehicle research.
WARNING: A number of these also have mods acquired so you’d have to add all the individual RP rewards for an accurate number.


As you can see it ranges from 2000 to ~11000RP depending on victories, defeats, and general performance.
Viggen C is also easy to play.

You can also tell that these charts don’t explicitly tell us how much RP is gained from victories.


It’s clear your match you did most of your performance with the tech tree vehicles rather than the premium based on the fact you got 765 base RP [5187/6.78] with the Type 69 IIa.
That leaves ~9130 RP among the rest which is ~400%, which is ~760.8 base RP per vehicle. So about 1/4th per vehicle.

Should ahve been 20k min anyways…

those matches lead me to believe you don’t have a premium account, right?

IDK, let’s check one of my losses…

7469 RP / 4.88 = 1530 base RP. / 13 minutes = 117 RP per minute.
You did 3045 base RP / 13 minutes = 234 RP per minute.
Of course 20 ground frags = ~6 air frags and a kill assist which I can’t replicate in 13 minutes to save my life let alone during a loss.

Sadly my 4 frag air match was a victory so IDK how well that can be compared due to RP rewards differences, even then it was only ~10,500 RP on a victory compared to your ~14,300 during a loss.

You’d see “with premium” in it if I didn’t. That’s all with premium.
I don’t run talismans on anything intentionally cause that’s a SL deficit I don’t want.

Oh man I thought you meant me XD but anyways gotta flex with my premium acc time

Then where is the GAB RP buff >:)

On that previous tangent, I would definitely play Ground a lot more if we had an Air RB style single-life mode!

ARB yields more RP per battle, but is sooo boring and repetitive. :/

Even though I play mostly ARB, I would love to play GRB as its combined arms (helis, fixed wing and ground) but hearing about the grind just instantly puts me off it. I would really only grind it if the rewards were boosted, because grinding for days for a slightly different tank and from what i’ve heard months to go up one BR sounds hellish whereas it take at most a week for a new jet.


You have to treat GRB like the multi-spawn tank shooter it is and its grind is fast.

Let me find those screenshots of comparable rewards with a wildly differing performance in battles.

Both games with premium account, premium vehicles, same day even. Both games won. Same activity in both games.

ARB - 2 kills (smallest skill bonus), 5:57/6:20 (I died) = 10789RP
GRB - 9 kills (largest skill bonus), 7:54/8:19 (I didn’t die once) = 13723RP

Rewards do differ by ~20% but the performance doesn’t match that.